
Monday, October 12, 2020

see the 09-25-2020 from the US Commission of Fine Arts: "The Commission approves the McMillan community center building design"

See this post at the US Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) website -- a letter of approval dated 09-25-2020 following the 09-17-2020 presentation.

Here is the first paragraph of the CFA's 09-25-2020 letter approving the design of the McMillan Park community center, park and plaza:

In its public meeting of 17 September conducted by videoconference, the Commission of Fine Arts reviewed the final design submission for a new community center building on the southern portion of the historic McMillan Sand Filtration Site at North Capitol and Channing Streets, NW. In conjunction with the previously approved landscape design, the Commission approved the building design with the following comments and conditions regarding building entrances.




  1. The important point that should post here is that the only thing that prevents this amazing park and community center from being a reality are the activisfs who have worked to block it. Groundbreaking was December 2015 and the completion date for the park and the recreation center was 2018. We know who to thank for the present state of affairs and now that a our voice is being heard lets make sure this state of decay does not continue. Please let your ELECTED representatives know the importance of this project to our community and to the city.

    1. STOP!
      Bad Decisions by thieving politicians and going against what the rights of the neighbors wanted at the time that this was proposed is the problem. The density of the buildings to the land is far too great. And I’m tired of people putting down activist sometimes activist bring things to a better point they complacent people who go with the flow

  2. This project, as currently proposed, is a fine example of DC government officials bowing down to the money-grubbing developers who contribute to their re-election campaign.

    Wise cities do not give up the environmental/recreational benefits of their parks for the promise of a grocery store.

  3. The important point is that then-Mayor Adrian Fenty, followed by his successors, wrested this historic park and waterworks from the public realm and handed off to a development group. If Unknown isn't himself or herself a developer, then s/he should have some interest in good government, obeying laws, community involvement, and retaining ownership of a glorious site. McMillan Park has lain out of reach of the public since 1941 because the government decreed it, which has nothing to do with activists. Mayor Bowser could take the fence down tomorrow, but then what would dullards have to complain about?
