
Thursday, November 12, 2020

today's Ward 5 Report -- REACH Act

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From: Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie <

Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 4:32 PM
Subject: Ward 5 Report November 12th - REACH Act


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On Tuesday, The Racial Equity Achieves Results (REACH) Amendment Act of 2020 passed final reading and on emergency unanimously. Thanks to my colleagues and every organization and individual who worked with me and my staff on the bill and advocated for its passage. The measure will require the Office of Human Rights and the Department of Human Resources to develop and provide racial equity training for all District employees. It requires the Office of Budget and Planning to design and implement a racial equity tool to aid in eliminating disparities based on race through the budget process.  The Reach Act will require a racial equity impact assessment on certain council measures. The measure also requires the Mayor to include racial equity-related performance measures in the development of an agency's annual performance plans. The measure was previously funded in the FY21 Budget Support Act and will go into effect once signed by the Mayor.

The REACH Act is a bold and intentional step needed to address our city's inequities and ensure our Black and Brown residents who have suffered from government sanctioned oppression suffer no longer. The passing of the REACH Act will fundamentally change the way we govern and legislate here in the District of Columbia.  Only by building systems that are intentional in their design to account for implicit bias and systemic inequities, will every District resident truly have the same opportunities to prosper in our society.

This REACH Act builds upon my work to advance racial equity in policy making in the District of Columbia, which include:

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For a full list of black owned restaurants participating in DMV Black Restaurant Week 2020 click the link here.



1863 Ventures has set a goal to help as many businesses as possible navigate the short term uncertainty driven by COVID-19 in order to overcome the persistent structural barriers faced due to race and/or gender. Joining this online program you'll reevaluate your business models, pivot where necessary, set a targeted growth strategy, and execute with a clear roadmap.

To join the free online program click the link here.



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