
Thursday, December 24, 2020

1st Sunday after Christmas: St. George's Episcopal Church The Dragon newsletter

From: Saint Georges DC <>
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2020 5:00 PM
Subject: The Dragon 

News You Can Use



The Dragon e-Newsletter Weekly


St. George's Episcopal Church


First Sunday After Christmas ~ December 27, 2020


160 U Street Washington DC 20001


This Parish of the Episcopal / Anglican Church was founded in 1930 as an Episcopal Church for African Americans. St. George's witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as expressed through the Anglican Tradition. We serve as a guiding light for our parishioners as well as the larger community.  We bid you welcome in the name of the Lord! 


Priest-in-Charge: The Rev Marilyn Jenkins

Associate Priest: The Rev Yolanda Rolle


Epiphany Study

Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.


Join us as we continue our bible study on Wednesday nights. In the time between Epiphany and Lent we will take the 50 day bible challenge using the book" A Journey with Mark."


The Book is available for $20 at St. George's. We have purchased 20 copies so please stop by and pick one up.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 891 6259 5431

Passcode: 018378


Find your local number:


Dec 31st @ 11pm: Watch Night Service


Live on Zoom:



St. George's Annual Meeting

Sunday, 24 January 2021

12:00 p.m.


Charitable Giving Tax Information


Thank you for your support this year and every year enabling St. George's to provide a deep worship experience in the Anglican tradition, fabulous music, and continue our important outreach mission to those in need.


We hope this tax information helps you in your decisions about charitable giving as 2020 comes to a close. St. George’s is a special place and home for so many and continues to be with your generous contributions.

Charitable Giving Tax Information

Sunday Schedule

The Next Sunday Service in Church will be determined by Public Health Indicators and implemented in a phased approach

7:30 a.m.      

Holy Eucharist RITE I with Sermon -- The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


8:30 a.m.

Hospitality Hour


9:00 a.m.      

Parish Choir Rehearsal        


9:00 a.m. - Conf. Room     

Bible Study with The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


10:00 a.m.  

Choral Holy Eucharist RITE II with Sermon -- The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


11:00 a.m.

Hospitality Hour 


This Week


Dec 27 - 9:00 a.m. Bible Study


Dec 27 - 9:45 a.m.

Zoom Worship


Join us in praying

Prayers for healing and wholeness have been asked here for the names of those who need our prayers.

Add a name here.


Donate Today



Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park

Friends and Neighbors


Thank you for all of your support of St. George's throughout the years. Please know that while our doors are closed for in person worship during COVID-19 you are welcome to join our Sunday virtual services as well as all of our prayer and study opportunities. As we bring 2020 to a close we ask for your continued support.






Becoming a member of St. George's

Not sure if you are a member?


Membership at St. George's including Baptisms, Transfers, Confirmations and Receptions.


We receive you into the household of God. Confess the faith of Christ crucified, proclaim his resurrection, and share with us in his eternal priesthood.

Book of Common Prayer, page 308


Please Contact the Rev. Marilyn Jenkins for more information.


Please see below for next class dates.



Spring 2020

"Toward Confirmation"

Diocesan Confirmation Saturday, May 1, 2021


If you would like to be Confirmed or Received into the Episcopal Church, if you want to know more, or if you have any questions at all, please join us in our spring confirmation classes. All are welcome no matter if you have been coming here for years or are just joining us. Please email the Rev. Jenkins if you would like to attend the classes. Please also let the Rev. Jenkins know if you want to be Confirmed or Received in May at the Cathedral.


Confirmation Class Dates:

6 Feb; 20 Feb; 6 Mar; and 20 Mar

BCP pg. 412




Design a sacred space in your house for the elements.


You will receive the elements in the vessels pictured below which can be reverently stored in your sacred space.


Holy Communion


All those desiring to partake in receiving Holy Communion during our live-streamed service may pick up pre-consecrated elements at the church on Fridays between 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Or on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Please ring the bell at the side door and The Rev. Jenkins will bring you the elements. You will receive the elements in a container. Please handle the pre-consecrated elements with reverence and keep in a sacred place in your home.


We begin with Holy Communion in our Liturgy this Sunday.


If you cannot stop by the church please let The Rev Jenkins know so that delivery can be made. Please email:



This Sunday's Worship

St. George's ~ St. Luke's ~ Calvary


This Sunday, December 27, 2020 we will again worship via zoom joining St. Luke's and Calvary live. Please join us on Zoom if you can. Or you may join us on St. George's Facebook page as we will stream the Zoom worship live onto Facebook and on St. George's YouTube Channel.


Sunday Worship:


Date: December 27, 2020

Time: 9:45 a.m.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID number: 362-627-1076. If asked for password -- 001891


If you are calling in by cellphone, we ask you to use this number: 301-715-8592, meeting ID: 362-627-1076. 


If you must use landline to call in, use 1-877 -853-5247, meeting ID: 362-627-1076. Password is 001891 (this is toll-free, but it costs us)


St. George's Facebook Page Livestream Here


St. George's YouTube Channel Livestream Here



Outreach: Serving the Community



Kwanzaa Kitchen: Janis has been able to come up with a unique way in which we will continue to feed the hungry in this important ministry. It involves fewer than 6 people and we will pack the food to go and place it outside on tables for people to take their breakfast with them. We will continue this way until we are able to gather groups together again.








Saint George's Episcopal Church |


St.Georges DC | 160 U Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

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