
Monday, March 29, 2021

DC Water NEBT Tunnel Forum invitation -- Thursday, 04-08-2021

From: Andrew Galli <>
Date: Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 11:57 AM
Subject: DC Water NEBT Tunnel Forum Invitation, April 8, 2021
To: Teri Janine 

Dear Ms. Quinn, 

Please find below and attached an invitation to DC Water's next Northeast Boundary Tunnel Forum. Please share this with your membership and networks. Thank you.  

We look forward to you joining us. 


Andy Galli


Andrew Galli, Public Outreach Coordinator | DC Clean Rivers Project | DC Water |

5000 Overlook Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20032 | c (202) 751-5417

Water is Life! | Web | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | LinkedIn


From: Hadiah Jordan <>
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2021 10:25 AM
To: Hadiah Jordan <>
Subject: NEBT Tunnel Forum Invitation, April 8, 2021

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Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project
Tunnel Forum Invitation


Join Us April 8th for the next virtual Tunnel Forum Meeting

The Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project team will provide construction, traffic, and schedule updates and will answer your questions at the upcoming Tunnel Forum Meeting. 

Thursday, April 8, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Join the Zoom Meeting either online or by phone. Zoom is free and an account is not required. Please share this Tunnel Forum invitation with your neighbors.

Use the following Meeting ID and Password when prompted:
Meeting ID: 955 3195 9281
Password: 914291

Tunnel Forum Agenda

  • Construction Site Updates
    • First Street NW Pumping Station
      • Restoration of the intersection of First Street NW and Rhode Island Avenue NW
    • T Street NW
    • Florida Avenue NW
    • R Street NW
      • Arrival of the tunnel boring machine in spring
  • Claims Process
  • Questions and Answers

During the Question and Answer period of the meeting, we will acknowledge questions from participants who are online and on phone. 
ONLINE PARTICIPANTS: send your questions using the Chat mode 
PHONE PARTICIPANTS: press *9 to ask a question

The presentation will be posted online and a link distributed the day of the meeting. 


Repaving the intersection of First Street NW and Rhode Island Avenue NW



For More Information 
24/7 Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project Hotline: (800) 988-6151
Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project:
DC Clean Rivers Project:





Copyright © 2021 DC Clean Rivers, All rights reserved.
Your contact information is listed on the Northeast Boundary Tunnel Stakeholder Database to receive project updates.

Our mailing address is:

DC Clean Rivers

5000 Overlook Avenue SW

Washington, Dc 20032

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  1. Site Survey is a broad term used to describe the planning phase of a project. Think of it as a “fact-finding mission”, where a professional meticulously analyzes a location for potential conflicts.
