
Wednesday, September 08, 2021

St. George's Episcopal Church: Welcome back to church -- Sunday, 09-12-2021

From: St. Georges DC
Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 5:00 PM
Welcome Back to Churchlease Join Us for In-Person Worship

St. George's Episcopal Church




The Little Church

on the Corner


Welcome Back

September 12, 2021



Please Join Us As Our Parish Opens for

In- Person Worship



This coming Sunday, September 12, 2021 we will reopen St. George's Parish for both the 7:30 a.m. service and the 10:00 a.m. service. We welcome all to join us as we worship together for the first time in 19 months.


I am excited for our opportunity to worship together again -- to being together, safely, in Christian community. As we prepare for our reopening, I am encouraged by data reported by the New York Times September 7, 2021. The article reports that data now available points to the fact that for those who are vaccinated the COVID infection is uncommon - about one in 5,000 per day with some areas such as the Northeast one in 10,000.


This new data provides a lot of comfort as we reopen. However, I also remain cautious as we come together to worship because I want to ensure the health and safety of our entire community. To that end, I am implementing a phased approach to our worship.


Phased Liturgical Approach: In order for St. George's to be a safe environment for in-person worship, I have taken steps to phase our liturgy during this time. This phased approach will limit the number of people serving on Sundays as well as our liturgical music. The phases will be implemented with a careful eye on COVID and following the CDC, NIH, and City of Washington's guidelines.


Actions Taken: In addition to a liturgical phased approach, we have also taken actions that enhance the overall safety of our indoor environment. Those actions are listed at the end of this email.


Zoom: For those who do not feel comfortable gathering at St. George's for in-person worship, we will continue to be on zoom. Please see below for the zoom information for our Sunday 10:00 a.m. worship.


The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins



St. George's In-Person Liturgical Phased Approach



Date: Began on June 6, 2021. 


Phase 1: This first phase has been accomplished. Phase one was bringing the 7:30 a.m. service back in-person - first as an outside service (four weeks) and then moving the service inside. We are currently operating fully indoors for the 7:30 service. 


Protocol observed: hand sanitizer, masks, social distancing. 


Sacrament: The sacrament is given in one kind. 


Servers and Readers: There is one reader assigned each week.

The two priests have been the worship team.


Ushers: There is one usher.


Singing: As is traditional with the 7:30 service there is no music. 


Gifts of Bread and Wine: As is traditional for the 7:30 service the elements are brought from the sacristy.


Offertory collection: The collection takes place and is brought forward to be offered.


Entrance and exit: Entry and exit from the church will be through the Conversation Court door while there are no ushers. Once we have an usher for this service the elevator entrance and the red door entrance will be available. 


Coffee Hour: All socialization after the service will take place in the Conversation Court. 


Date: September 12, 2021. 


Phase 2: Consists of reintroducing the 10:00 service but with a limited liturgy. The 10:00 in this phase, will not return to the 10:00 prior to COVID. 


Protocol observed: hand sanitizer, masks, social distancing. 


Sacrament: The sacrament is given in one kind. 


Servers and Readers: We will operate with one server, one reader, and one usher. 


Ushers: We will use one usher.


Singing: There will be piano accompaniment provided by either Pam or James and a cantor for singing. There will not be a choir. There will be congregational singing, but it will consist of an entrance hymn, a Gradual (Gospel) Hymn (shortened), an Offertory Hymn, and a Final Hymn. There will be anthems that help to cover the priest's movements so that the liturgy flows. However, we will not sing the Song of Praise, the Kyrie, the Nicene Creed, the Lord's Prayer, or the Sanctus. 


Gifts of Bread and Wine: All sacramental items will come from the Sacristy and will not be brought forward from the back of the church. 


Offertory collection: The collection will take place. The collection will be brought forward to be offered.


Entrance and exit: Entry and exit from the church will be through three places - the elevator, the red door, and the Conversation Court door. 


Coffee Hour: All socialization after the service will take place in the Conversation Court. 


Zoom: Additionally, we will introduce Zoom via our new MEVO Start camera.




Date: Date to be determined


Phase 3: This phase will expand the liturgy with more congregational singing with with piano/organ accompaniment and a cantor. 


Protocol observed: to be determined based on COVID-19 realities.


Sacrament: The sacrament is given in one kind. 


Servers and Readers: We will operate with two servers and two readers,


Ushers: We will have two ushers. 


Singing: There will be piano accompaniment provided by either Pam or James and a cantor for singing. Singing will consist of an entrance hymn, a Gradual (Gospel) Hymn (shortened), an Offertory Hymn, and a Final Hymn. There will be anthems that help to cover the priest's movements so that the liturgy flows. We will add singing of the service music as determined as appropriate for this phase.


Gifts of Bread and Wine: All sacramental items will come from the Sacristy and will not be brought forward from the back of the church. 


Offertory collection: The collection will take place. The collection will be brought forward to offer. 


Entrance and Exit: Entry and exit from the church will be through three places - the elevator, the red door, and the Conversation Court door. 


Coffee Hour: All socialization after the service will take place in the Conversation Court. 


Zoom: We will continue to use Zoom via our new MEVO Start camera.


Date: Date to be determined


Phase 4: This phase will bring back the full liturgy with full congregational singing and choir. 


Protocol observed: to be determined based on COVID-19 realities.


Sacrament: The sacrament is given in one kind. 


Servers and Readers: Full compliment of servers, and readers.


Ushers: Full compliment of ushers.


Singing: We will have a full choir with full liturgical and congregational singing.


Gifts of Bread and Wine: The gifts (bread, wine, giving) will be brought forward from the back. Our liturgy will return to the Liturgy that St. George's has enjoyed for years. 


Offertory Collection: The collection will take place. The collection will be brought forward to offer.


Entrance and Exit: Entry and exit from the church will be through the many different doors St. George's has.


Coffee Hour: Coffee hour will take place at the back of the church or on the conversation court as weather allows.


Restrictions: We will continue to restrict full use of the church. We will not use the kitchen or the parish hall. We will come to worship in our full liturgy and then enjoy our company at the back of the church or in the Conversation Court. We will continue to use Zoom for those at home


Zoom: We will continue to use Zoom via our new MEVO Start camera.



Date: Date to be determined


Phase 5: Return to a full liturgy and a fully open church where we can enjoy our traditions that involve the kitchen and the parish hall for fellowship.  


Zoom: We will continue to use Zoom for those at home.



Actions Taken 


Vaccination: Please know that your clergy are fully vaccinated.


Deep Cleaning: The church has been cleaned and is maintained each week by our part-time sexton Steven Brown.


Air Purification Systems: The vestry approved the installation of Air Purification Systems. The Air Purification Systems have been integrated into the HVAC for the main church (Nave, Sacristy, Chancel, and Altar areas), and in the offices.



Zoom Information

Sunday Mornings 10:00 a.m.



Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 231 601 6023


Passcode: Dragon


Dial by your location: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Zoom Link:    




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