
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

next McMillan Advisory Committee (MAG) meeting -- Thursday, 05/19/2022

From: Kirby Vining

Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 11:01 PM
Subject: MAG: Thursday, May 19th 7pm meeting announcement and agenda -Kirby

Please see the Zoom invitation for our scheduled May 19th, 7pm monthly MAG meeting, below.  

Also please find attached the draft minutes from our April 21st meeting.  I have received no corrections or other requests for changes.  

As usual, we hope our city partners will be with us to provide current information on work and plans at the site and we’ll let them go first as a courtesy. 

From my window I see continued excavation and removal of dirt from the site but little else, all continuing as far as I can tell. Lots of dump trucks conveying dirt off of the property, all heading south down North Capitol Street from the North Service Court entrance directly opposite Girard St. NE.  

There have been several questions about the Traffic Control Plan or TCP that is now in effect for the site demolition / excavation work, and the document is on our web page, but I’ll bring that document onto the screen and show members where they can find the answers to questions about how the current work affects traffic around the perimeter of the site.  

I’ve included Scott Roberts here as we discussed making information about upcoming MAG meetings available to the Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park communities.  So Scott, Matthew/Zeba: please feel free to make anything useful in this email available to your communities.  And other communities that wish to do so, please do. Stronghold has no web page but discusses MAG information at each executive board and general membership meeting.  

Thank you! -Kirby


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Meeting ID: 831 1140 4112

Passcode: 075844

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Representing residents’ concerns as they relate to the development of the site known as ‘McMillan Sand Filtration Site. 

The MAG meets  on the 3rd Thursday of every second month at 7PM.  Because of ongoing pandemic we’ve been meeting virtually via Zoom. 

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