
Sunday, July 17, 2022

how did our Precincts 19 & 135 do in comparison to the rest of Ward 5 in the 06/21/2022 DC primary election?

The DC Board of Elections has released the final, certified results data from the Tuesday, 06/21/2022, DC primary election:

Let’s review how the two voting precincts that represent Bloomingdale did in comparison with Ward 5's other precincts. 

Ward 5 precinct voting results - 

Tuesday, 06/21/2022      



Here is the link to the Ward 5 voting precinct map   






Ward 5 has 18 voting precincts.   

Bloomingdale is covered by two of the 18 Ward 5 precincts:  


  • Precinct 19 cover Bloomingdale south of Rhode Island Avenue NW
  • Precinct 135 covers Bloomingdale north of Rhode Island Avenue NW                                       

The election results below are shared: 

By ascending precinct number order, and then

By votes cast by precinct -- in descending order.

  • .




Note that I have identified the three tiers of vote count by colors below –

highest vote count in blue,

middle vote count in yellow and 

lowest vote count in green.  


Precinct 19 has the 2nd highest voter turnout.

Precinct 19 is in the top third of Ward 5's 18 precincts.

Precinct 135 is at the top of the middle third of Ward 5's precincts.


Is it any surprise that candidates running for office spend a lot of time near the Bloomingdale Farmers Market, located in Precinct 19, during campaign season? Not at all.

Precinct 19 has the second highest voter turnout in Ward 5.

Bloomingdale and Truxton Circle are ON THE MAP.

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