
Saturday, September 17, 2022

Father Mike Kelley: Celebration Mass at St. Martin's Catholic Church -- Sunday, 09-25-2022

Do you know about St. Martin's Catholic Church at North Capitol St NW and T St NW?

See this 09-17-2022 message: 

Sunday school begins Sunday October 1st!!  Sign up:

                Either email June Felix at

                Or see June at the back of church after noon mass on 9/18 or 9/25


On September 25th, noon at St. Martins Catholic Church

                Washington DC’s Cardinal Gregory will preside over a Celebration Mass for both:

                Fr. Mike’s 30th anniversary as pastor at St Martins


                Deacon Bobby’s 25th anniversary as a deacon


We have three ways to get your Sunday mass from Bloomingdale’s St. Martin’s Catholic Church:


1) Video mass:

To view this week’s Sunday mass click on the link below:

2) Sunday Noon Mass in person:

This coming Sunday at noon we will have a live mass at St. Martin’s Church.  The mass is open for all to attend in person with masks at the Church however if you are sick please stay at home and do not attend.  If you are not vaccinated and over 60 or with serious health issues we strongly encourage you to please stay home. 

3) Sunday Noon Mass Live Streaming:

The Sunday noon mass will be live-streamed on zoom.  To view the noon mass as live-streaming event click on this link (we ask you to please turn off your video to not distract from the mass):

Or if you would like to call in and listen dial:


Meeting ID: 848 0146 6509#

Meeting password: 123456#


We wish you all a blessed week and you should know that we at St Martins are praying to help us all get through these challenging times.


Fr. Mike.

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