
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Another WCP Housing Complex post on pop-ups - this time, regarding Lanier Heights

More press coverage on pop-ups.

See this Washington City Paper Housing Complex post by Aaron Wiener.

Click on the link to read the * entire * post.

Note the pro- and anti-McMillan yard signs are mentioned.

Uppers and Downers

Denis Suski gestures at his backyard, at the ample greenery and the picnic table and the two yellow hand-shaped chairs that match his house’s yellow back walls. “This is my concern,” he says, “is losing things like this.”
All around him, things like that are being lost, at least to the sun’s rays. Throughout his neighborhood of Lanier Heights, developers are buying up two-story townhouses and building an extra floor or two, additions that are known as pop-ups. They’re also extending the structures as far back as allowed, to within 15 feet of the property line, obliterating backyards in the process.
But these aren’t the only signs cropping up in the neighborhood. Other front yards sport signs imploring “Save homeowner rights: Don’t downzone Lanier Heights” and “Lanier Heights needs to grow...up.”
This, of course, isn’t the first case of yard-sign one-upmanship in the District. Every election campaign brings one. The debate over the development of the long-abandoned former McMillan Sand Filtration Site on North Capitol Street bred first a slew of signs urging the city to “Save McMillan Park”—the idea being that too much of the green space would be developed—and then a counter-campaign arguing that the fenced-off site is doing residents no good and the city must “Create McMillan Park” through development.

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