
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

RiverSmart pavers installed in Bloomingdale

Curious about the RiverSmart pavers program?

See this message from a Bloomingdale resident who has installed them:

Neighbors - I had the River Smart pavers installed earlier this summer and have been happy with them so far. The look is a bit different but otherwise largely the same as a standard paver.  Feel free to contact me if you have questions about my experience with the process.


  1. I've seen two different numbers provided as the max rebate amount ($1,000 and $5,000). Do you mind providing some info on your experience?

  2. Scott, can you send me this person's email address or phone number so that I may reach out to them?

  3. I manage the RiverSmart Homes program and can answer this question. City-wide, district homeowners are eligible to receive up to $1,000 for permeable pavement projects ($1.25 per sq. ft. of impervious surface replaced with permeable pavers). However, until September 30, 2014, homeowners in the Bloomingdale Sewershed can receive up to a $5,000 rebate for permeable pavement projects ($10 per sq. ft.) Alternatively, a $5 per sq. ft. rebate is available for homeowners who just remove and replace impervious surface with vegetation. The maximum rebate for that work is $2,000 and work can be performed by the homeowner. More detailed information about the rebate is also available here:

    Homeowners are also welcome to email me directly with their questions at

  4. Anyone who did this have a rough ballpark of how much of the total cost this rebate covers? 25%? 50%?

  5. Removing and replacing impervious surface costs around $25/sq. ft. Factors such as type of pavers, ease of accessibility to project area, and measures to protect your foundation (especially important for paver projects installed against the foundation of your home) could increase that estimate. This is just a ballpark. Only a contractor, preferably an ICPI-certified contractor, will be able to give you an actual estimate.
