
Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Is the city rushing the First Street Tunnel project in order to expedite development at McMillan?"

Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 10:05:19 -0400
Subject: McMillan & First Street Tunnel 
Dear Bloomingdale neighbors:
Is the city rushing the First Street Tunnel project in order to expedite development at McMillan?  Many of us think so.  We encourage you to listen to the following clip of Allen Lew, Chairman of the DC Water Board of Directors, explaining the relationship between the McMillan development and the First Street Tunnel.  He says the city wouldn't have been able to build at McMillan without the tunnel project. Regardless of your views about the upcoming construction, we think it's important that the city be honest about the facts.
Bloomingdale Concerned Citizens
Bloomingdale Concerned Citizens is an ad hoc group of neighbors who demand that DC Water improve transparency and mitigation efforts for the First Street Tunnel project.  Follow us on Twitter @BloomingdaleCC.  


  1. Absolutely. Just goes to show you the degree to which VMP has penetrated the city gov' the point where they can mobilize tens of millions of taxpayer money for a project to further a multi billion dollar development based on the use of taxpayer land. Incredible. Further, interesting that they say "multi BILLION" dollar development. We've been talking in the hundreds of millions, but interesting that they consider it a "multi-billion dollar development." Makes that little CBA put forward by MAG and BCA seem like peanuts doesn't it?

  2. If you look at similar highly dense residential CSO projects, like the projects in Indianapolis and Portland, they were planned for many many years. DC Water and the Mayors' Task Force on Flooding rushed the entire planning of this project behind closed doors with little to no community input. The community should have heard about other options available to handle the upgrade of our sewer infrastructure AND they should have been discussed publicly. I absolutely support a solution to flooding, but the current rushed, error-prone FST project is headed towards a disaster.

  3. Of course, what is remarkable is a slip of honesty from this corrupt government.
    Aren't the upper income areas getting "Green Mitigation" and the other tunnel projects withdrawn. I know they are rebuilding Irving Street for the Nth time.

    DC Water is Life wouldn't be here to help Bloomingdale flooding victims at all. They should have come out 30 years ago for correcting the local flooding issue. Too bad the flooding wasn't in Kalorama, would have been corrected years ago. The tunnel, is to keep the corrupt racket of over-development moving irrationally forward, McMillan, AFRH, CUA, RI Ave, and numerous other violations of sensible healthy zoning and proper planning. They are using you for cover, so obviously they don't care how much suffering goes on here. Fight the incumbents, McDuffie who supports the super-urbanization of Bloomingdale at any cost, and Save McMillan Park. We should be cleaning the storm water, because when we save the Sand Filtration Plant we have safe water security. DC Water is a mindless, misguided failed agency. Save McMillan,save the sand filtration underground, fight the racketeers who run DC!

    Another shocker of gross destructive government is the Recovery of WWI munitions from American University toxic dumps. Entire houses, actually in the upper income Spring Valley area have been demolished, tented and munitions and related chemical warfare debris is being excavated at a cost of $240 million, so far! Rep. Norton ttold us about the Army putting a well on a little park strip in the area, but she helped the citizens oppose it, and the well is on the adjacent street. What is the well for? You ask! To monitor the contamination of the ground water from the dump site toward the Potomac river. we also have the Dle Carlia reservoir, which is our "fresh" water source. So let's SAVE McMillan Park, keep it functional for safe water security and stop McDuffie, Bowser, VMP, and Mayor (un-indicted) Gray from further destroying our safe future, let alone our quality of life.Does DC Water have a plan to clean storm water at McMillan, or is that too sensible? Makes less money for Fort Meyers Paving.
