
Thursday, July 17, 2014

readout of ANC5E08 Austin Pearl’s office call with MPD 5D Commander Porter

Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:04:47 -0700

Subject: Readout of ANC5E08 Austin Pearl’s Office Call with MPD 5D Commander Porter
      I met with 5th District Commander Porter today and we ran through a list of issues afflicting our area. I wanted to share the list, her suggestions, and any agreed upon courses action.

Before I get into the list, I just want to say upfront that I have no additional information on the motives behind the shootings this past weekend, as they are under investigation. That said I am just as eager to find out why these incidents happened as everyone else.
Drug Dealing hotspots. I highlighted there are several areas in which there have been open-air drug markets for years. She asked that we feed the department with information—especially if drugs appear to be flowing out of a specific residence. So, if you want information anonymously passed to MPD, you can send it to me at I will then strip out all identifying information and make sure the Vice Squad gets it with Commander Porter cc’d
- I inquired about the prospects of local governments (ANCs, Civic Associations, etc) paying for police cameras for private property. She said she is actively investigating this possibility with MPD’s technical division (this inquiry was at the behest of a constituent).
Drinking in public. I highlighted there are several areas in which people gather and publically drink on sidewalks, keeping people up at night and leaving behind tons of trash. Commander Porter informed me that public drinking is an arrestable offense along with a citation. I explained that I’m not trying to cause trouble for people who are just hanging out and not doing anything illegal, but that there are several specific areas where this has become a quality of life issue for sleeping residents who do not want to spend their mornings cleaning up after others.
- We agreed to have the Officers patrolling our area step up enforcement on this issue. They will give warnings in places where drinking and loitering has led to harassment, litter, and excessive noise. The warnings will be followed up with arrests if they catch the same person drinking in public. So, if you live near an area that is being negatively impacted by public drinking/drug use, please let me know and I will pass it to MPD.
Nuisance Properties. I inquired on how to best deal with nuisance properties. The Commander informed me that nuisance properties end up on her radar when they have a lot of “calls for service.” In other words, MPD is a data-driven organization. Thus, you need to dial 9/11 when there is illegal activity emanating from a specific property because it goes on record.
- I will be reaching out to neighbors on specific nuisance properties shortly to ensure the Commander is aware of those specific instances.
Package thefts. The Commander is aware of this issue, and I will also be putting repeated, recent victims in touch with the right people inside MPD to see if we can use their properties as bait.
The importance of dialing 9-11. One of the most important takeaways from the meeting, was Commander Porter’s insistence that people dial 9-11 when they have a problem. Again, this is because MPD is a data-driven organization and will focus on issues if a lot of people are calling about them. She mentioned this for every issue we went through--from package theft to public drinking/drug use. In other words, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
If you have any follow-up questions please let me know.

Austin L. Pearl
ANC 5E08

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