
Monday, December 15, 2008

Bloomingdale-The Book!

As you may have heard, Bloomingdale neighbor Rosemarie Onwukwe is working on the Bloomingdale Neighborhood book for Arcadia Publishing. She is still in need of images to include.

Please keep in mind that in addition to the history of the area, she is also interested in current photos showing life in Bloomingdale! Do you have any photos of hanging out at Big Bear, the Farmer's Market, or even just sitting out on the front stoop?

Also, if you have any neighbors who have been in the area for several years and may not be aware of announcements like this that have been posted on line, please put them in touch (you can e-mail me at my screen name at yahoo.)

Time is running out and Rosemarie needs images as soon as possible. Unfortunately, submitted images must be in print form, rather than digital. (Digital images could be sent for initial review with printing done once they are selected for inclusion.)

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