
Sunday, December 14, 2008

National Wholesale Liquidators

Seems that the National Wholesale Liquidators on Rhode Island is closing.

they recently expanded into the basement level... that place is huge!
i wonder what will happen there.


  1. is the one over at hechinger mall closing as well?

  2. I sort of figured we got National Wholesale Liquidators when they couldn't attract a DressBarn. I'm not sure what's lower on the ghetto retail foodchain than a NWL. Maybe an auto repo lot?

  3. I live two blocks away from this shopping center on V and 4th Streets NE. I'm glad to see it go. I never went into this dump. I only went there once when it used to be an Ames and that was years ago. I wish a Bestbuy or a Target or something nice would take up shop here. I'm tired of ghetto retail in our hood. I spend more time (and money) in Columbia Heights than I do in my own ward (5). I don't even visit the Safeway or Giant in our hood. The CH Giant and the AM Teeter is great compared to the Hell that is buying groceries in the stinky Safeway and the ghetto Brentwood Giant, and their lines really suck in comparison.

  4. sad story, they're closing like 30 something stores.Cheap stuff man, cant beat national for certain items.Chemicals health and beauty some electronics CANT BEAT IT . VERY SAD

  5. NWL was provided a great service to the hood. I recently blogged about it actually( Sure it could have used a facelift, but I guess it's hard to afford one without community support, etc...

  6. It would be great to get a Shoppers Warehouse grocery store in the old NWL space. I agree that particular strip is in sore need of a facelift, but if the stores are filling the needs of the community, I'd be willing to shop there more often... as it is now, it is kind of funky and the area just doesn't seem all that safe.

    I prefer to the Giant in CH myself - never a problem finding parking there.

  7. The CH Giant has terrible lines and awful customer service... Our Safeway may have poor management and be somewhat overpriced, but I will at least commend the clerks for having a good attitude

  8. you know where the cashiers are always nice? trader joes. they must pump that place with laughing gas. i havent been to the brentwood giant once since the safeway at 5th and k opened.
    okay once. but i regretted it.

    and i actually went to that NWL more than i go to a lot of places.

    they had a pretty decent hardware section.

    and their key kiosk was fast and cheap.

    theres one at the old hechinger mall at benning road if anyone misses the place. i assume that one will remain open...

  9. I'm really going to miss this place. I can't even remember how many times I've gone there for something or other and got some amazing prices. It's sad that people like #4 feel the way they do. It's not "ghetto", not even close. Do you mean it has black working class people that frequent it? I mean, I've been to a ghetto in Warsaw, Poland. You know, the area where German's concentrated the Jewish population and had them under lock & key. Have you been to rome, where Yeah, NWL is not "ghetto", nor located in a "ghetto" community.

  10. human resources kept its eye closed while manager of nj store openly flirted with a 20 yr old cashier..where cashiers were hired only if they agreed and cooperated to the sexual advances of the i happy to see that place go.customers could wait for hours before the manager finally showed up only after he was done flirting with a 20 yr old nepali cashier.only dumps like this would allow this.

  11. Recently this massive giant faced a lawsuit for sexual harrassment, but looks like manager of cherry hill store could care less.U can still see him surrounded by girls half his age enjoying at companys expense.well time for the human resources director to step up and get rid of bad apples like him who rot the whole team.

  12. I'm not sorry that retail in our section of the woods suck. The Safeway is horrible. It smells like poop on the outsie and the lines are long even when there is nobody shopping in there. The Brentwood Giant has lines that are worse, express line my ass... The NWL wasn't filling a need in the community. If it did it wouldn't be going out of business; instead it would be flourishing. Even working class blacks like to shop in an environment that is clean, safe, bright, and welcoming. I know that surprises some of you uber liberal white people who think you know everything.

  13. The owener of NWL is a and I hope she loses every dime she ever made. She treated her vendors and employees like garbage and deserves to lose everything!

  14. That place is a dump! Lets tear the whole shopping center down and start from scratch. That is prime property near a metro, why should it remain a car oriented shopping center? Why can't we have some of the development spread our way?

  15. If all you people can do is complain about the things you have around you, nothing will ever improve. Anyone as stupidly bigoted as #4 who never went into NWL has no basis for describing this place and by spending their money and time Columbia Heights is simply giving CH more money. I cannot comment on the sexual harassment issue, but I can honestly say that I have frequented NWL many times and found nice things for very good prices. So, #4 when you get your head out of your ass why don't you go to places before you tear them down.

  16. anon 2:56 is an idiot.

    *i* know.

    welcome to 2009, obtuse person.

  17. the office of nwl refuse to recognize the importance of democracy in this country because they can get those people from africa, india-pak. to curse and used like a sweat shop. they hate us because we are not majority muslims.

  18. I am an owner of NWL and worked hard for twenty years to build a company and serve a purpose to the community. We tried to run the best company we could being fair to all employees no matter what the nationality. We were very proud that our employees worked hard and rose up the ranks of the company, bettering their lives.
    I beleive we serve a purpose to the community offering quality merchandise at great prices.
    AS far as being the low man on the totum poll for real estate space, thats true, but we took space often passed on by national chains who did not want to be in those neighborhoods. Our stores were located in all neighborhoods and all operated the same.
    There will always be bitter people, but when I look back on the last twenty years I am proud that we helped so many people and provided an alternative shopping experience of real value.

  19. I guess I feel that National Wholesale Liquidators should not be able to profit that easily, especially due to someone else's misfortune.

  20. well, i for one miss nwl. i know im in the minority opinion, but for me, it was a useful place to shop.

  21. is it gone yet? i just did a search to find the # to get hours and found this thread! I too will miss it.... is it gone yet?
