
Thursday, September 10, 2009

alternate McMillan development proposal: but do the numbers work?

I attended last night's McMillan Sand Filtration site community development meeting coordinated by ANC Commissioners Stuart Davenport, Ronnie Edwards, Myla Moss & John Salatti, Howard University Community Association and the McMillan Park Committee.

The last item on the agenda was a presentation and Q & A by Catholic University of America Associate Professor Miriam Gusevich.

A brief jump back in history: Back in 2000 (?), Professor Gusevich and fellow CUA School of Architecture Professor Stanley Hallett, FAIA, gave a public presentation on the CUA campus at the request of the DC Office of Planning on what could be done with the sand filtration site. I happened to attend that session. Believe me, the entire set of participants sat there ooohing and aaahing over the high-level ideas that Professors Gusevich and Hallett were tossing out as possible uses for the site. The central theme of the various ideas was an urban park setting.

Back to last night: Professor Gusevich's presentation proceeded from the original presentation: an urban park space -- this round with residential development along 1st Street NW and office buildings along Michigan Avenue NW.

She indicated that she could make the numbers work in comparison to the current Vision McMillan Partners proposal.

(John Salatti commented after the meeting that most or all of the meeting's presentation materials would be posted soon to the MyMcMillan site.)

I want to see Professor Gusevich's numbers.


  1. Agreed on the numbers part, too. Although it was terribly refreshing to be presented with an alternative I had not seen before! I'm working on a series of stories on McMillan for and would also appreciate feedback (and corrections!). You can click on my name to access the article. Great job on reviving the blog and let's hope John Salatti gets those slides up soon...

  2. Wow he can post stuff on his website for a development site not in his SMD...but when he was recording Secretary he couldn’t put the minutes, meeting notices, and other stuff up on the website...his picture made it up there…no one else’s....Really what a liberty!

  3. Agreed. How about we see some of EYA's numbers from this blog's author, who's a member of the MAG and supposedly their secretary...

  4. Jonathan:

    Two items -- 1) In future posts, could you please indicate your neighborhood name as well as your name. Thanks.
    2) Your comment about EYA numbers -- to whom is your comment directed?

    -- Scott Roberts of Bloomingdale

  5. I am the person who is maintaining (now renamed to and not Commissioner Salatti. I am in the process of gathering the presentations and materials from the community meeting and will contact Scott to let him know when they are available.
