
Monday, September 14, 2009

new chair appointed to head NCPC

"Who cares if the National Capital Planning Commission gets a new appointed chair?"

Bloomingdale residents should at least take notice.

Newcomers may ask "What is NCPC?"

Here are two paragraphs lifted from the NCPC website,, that describes what NCPS is:

The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) is the federal government’s central planning agency for federal land and buildings in the National Capital Region. NCPC’s jurisdiction covers 2,500 square miles, including the District of Columbia and surrounding counties in Maryland and Virginia.

develops planning policies and makes decisions that protect and enhance the
extraordinary historical, cultural, and natural resources of the nation's capital. Through four principal activities, NCPC helps ensure that Washington remains one of the most admired capitals in the world.

I am passing along this announcement simply because NCPC has influence over development projects in the metropolitan area, including development at the Old Soldiers' and Sailors Home / Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH) -- as well as the McMillan Sand Filtration Site (although I have to confess it is not clear if indeed NCPC has input to the sand filtration site project).

Anyway, here is the annoucement on the appointment of Preston Bryant Jr. as the new chair of NCPC, again from the NCPC website:

President Obama Appoints Virginia’s Secretary of Natural Resources, L. Preston Bryant, Jr., as Chair of the National Capital Planning Commission

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Washington, DC – President Obama today named Virginia’s Secretary of Natural Resources, L. Preston Bryant, Jr., to serve as chairman of the National Capital Planning Commission. He currently serves as the secretary of natural resources in the cabinet of Virginia Governor Timothy Kaine, overseeing six agencies that protect and restore the Commonwealth’s natural and historic resources.

In his new role at NCPC, Secretary Bryant will lead the 12-member Commission’s work to protect and enhance the extraordinary historical, cultural, and natural resources of the nation’s capital and surrounding region. He will also oversee the Commission’s review of the design of federal construction projects, long-range planning efforts, and planning policies.

“I am honored to accept the President’s appointment,” said Secretary Bryant. “The National Capital Planning Commission is uniquely positioned to enhance Washington’s standing as a sustainable, livable capital city. I look forward to guiding projects that will benefit the environment, advance green building design, and protect the city’s treasured open space.”

Prior to joining Governor Kaine’s cabinet in 2006, Secretary Bryant served in the Virginia House of Delegates for ten years, where he sponsored landmark legislation to preserve more than one million acres of nontidal wetlands, streamline Virginia’s stormwater management programs, and create a program to improve wastewater treatment facilities that discharge into Virginia waters.

“Secretary Bryant’s experience will serve this Commission well,” said NCPC’s Executive Director Marcel Acosta. “He has advised Governor Kaine on critical issues impacting the state’s natural resources, and throughout his career he has been devoted to advancing environmental priorities, a matter that is of the utmost importance in our role as the federal planning agency for America’s capital city.”

Secretary Bryant also served as a partner in a Virginia-based civil engineering, surveying, and planning firm. He was born in Lynchburg, Virginia and resides in Richmond. He becomes the 21st person to serve as chair of the National Capital Planning Commission, established by Congress in 1924. He will complete the remainder of the term of outgoing Chairman John V. Cogbill, III, which concludes on January 1, 2013.

“We are indebted to Chairman Cogbill for his leadership and strong support for the staff’s efforts over the last eight years,” said Mr. Acosta in announcing the appointment to staff. “Chairman Cogbill has worked tirelessly to ensure that the work of the Commission contributes to the continued vitality of a world-class capital. I look forward to working with Secretary Bryant moving forward to ensure our future efforts help the capital be a model of innovation and best planning practices.”

1 comment:

  1. DC Metro Urban Diary (DC MUD) blog reports on this announcement: Obama Appoints New NCPC Chair

    -- Scott Roberts of Bloomingdale
