
Sunday, January 31, 2010

the closed Hot Trout Grill place emptied out

A Florida Avenue NW sent this message today:

Today, crews have been moving equipment out of the former Hot Trout Grill between the liquor store and Christina Nails at the southwest corner of Florida Ave. and North Capitol Street NW. They are moving it all into a U-Haul parked in the alley between Florida Ave. and Bates St. NW.

I tried asking one of the workers what was happening as I passed, but he did not speak English well.

Do you or anyone else know what is going on there? Is something new moving in?
The Hot Trout Grill has been closed since I moved here in August.


  1. Let's hope something for the better.

    I actually made my first visit to the Subway that opened late last summer just around the corner from Trout Grill on North Capitol. I was pleasantly surprised to see the cleanliness of the interior. The worker who made my sandwich (not sure if he was the owner or not - he sure had a lot to say) said that since September business has been pretty terrible. I am going to patronize them again and would encourage everyone to do the same... whether or not you like the idea of a chain (and Subway to boot!) in the 'hood or not, a thriving business is much better than an empty storefront.

    Let's hope for the best at the formet Trout space.

    -B from Bloomingale

  2. OMG, wouldn't that be great if something not involving the words "hot trout"? Ew.

  3. I gave her th ol' hot trout

  4. More like she gave it to you.
