
Sunday, April 25, 2010

have you checked out Well Built at 14th & Q St NW ?

Your blog moderator look advantage of the great weather and strolled over to 14th & U Street NW. He passed 14th & Q Street NW, southeast corner -- formerly home to a travel bookstore that I liked.

The space is now occupied by WELL BUILT, which sounds like the name of a gym, but it is actually a cool furniture store.

The business owner is Ann Blackwell, formerly of Design Within Reach in Georgetown.

Painted on the back wall of her store are the eight areas of sustainability: Recycle, Local, Smart Wood, Long Life, Energy, Better Air, Ingredients, Well Thought.

For the retail locovores in the audience, Ann's "Local" is defined as being manufactured within 500 miles.
Ann says that her store has been open for three weeks now.
Visit her website for more info:
And stop by her store to see her 100% cool space! A nice addition to the other furniture and home furnishings stores in the 14th & U corridor.

1 comment:

  1. A friend and I stepped into Well Built a few days ago - we liked the assorted chairs for sale. We look forward to the additional display space in the basement.

    -- Maynard
