
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Open Houses in and around Bloomingdale scheduled for 4/25/2010

Yes, it is finally the last crazy weekend of open houses before the contract deadline for the Federal Housing Tax Credit. Here is the list of open houses and here is a map with directions. Let me know if you think the map is a useful feature to add to this weekly post.


  1. Robert, on the B'dale hunt...Sunday, April 25, 2010 2:58:00 PM

    The map is awesome. Wow, I tried to do one myself for open houses the last 2 weekends and it took me forever and I missed several houses by not being able to think of an easy path between them. I also found several along the way that I didn't know were open.

    The map you provided is awesome, I will use it today and every sunday and it will be a valuable tool for anyone shopping in the neighborhood. Thanks Suzanne.

  2. Sorry to serial post, but I just checked the map again and just realized that you can scroll over the number pins and it gives details about each place that is open. Way cool. :-)
