
Thursday, September 30, 2010

seeking Mimi

See this request from a resident on S Street NW:

I was talking to some neighbors on S Street NW who told us about this amazing dog walker named Mimi who lives on S near 1st Street NW next to the alley to Randolph Place NW.

I am looking for someone to take care of our doggies when we have to go out of town, so we wanted to try to get in contact with her.



  2. Mimi is with ExPETations.

    She's the one riding the skateboard with a pack of dogs around her.

    She is really good with animals. You should definitely give her a try.

  3. Mimi is awesome with my Sage. He loves her. And he doesn't love just anyone.

  4. From my own personal experience with Mimi, I would not recommend her as a pet sitter. I believe that she gave my dog some sort of sedative during the overnight stay (dog extremely lethargic and tongue hanging from mouth). I am not saying that she does this to every dog but I strongly believe that she did it to mine.

  5. I just got the last comment, and I hope this is a joke. Mr. or Miss Anonymous: This is to you. Your dog or any other dog in my care has never received a sedative. I exercise all my dogs properly, 3 times a day and give nothing but unconditional love. Should you have a problem with me personally, come talk to me, but please don't ever write things you know nothing about. It shows your true intent by not speaking up about who you are and what dog your are talking about. How Dare You!! And shame on you. Mimi

  6. Our dogs always have a great time with Mimi. She has watched them for several years. They love her and so do we. Our only concern is that the dogs may love her more than us!

  7. We left two huge dogs (one who is totally full of himself) with Mimi while we vacationed for a week in the summer and came home to find them happy, well exercised, and laid back. She didnt just take care of them. She TRAINED them while she took care of them because THAT is how much she cares about the well- being of the dogs. She is excellent and the above poster is either another pet sitting service, someone looking to get sued for slander, or a very poor dog owner - possibly all three? All I know is they are ANONYMOUS, and I personally would not ever have to suspect or think someone drugged my dog. I would know for sure because I would have seen a vet and had a stomach pump. AND Mimi would have known all about it because I would have asked for a timeline of his/her behavior and physical symptoms before heading straight for the animal hospital...Mimi does NOT deserve such slander. She takes care of so many of the pets in this neighborhood and we should all be thankful for the services she provides. We highly recommend her to anyone looking for pet care of advice on dog training.

  8. To the person who make that slanderous comment about Mimi without anything to back it up. If you think it was something Mimi gave your dog and not something the dog ate or a bug, then you should have taken your dog to the vet rather than sladering one of the best dog walkers anythwere. Mimi is as close to a dog whisperer as anyone I've ever seen and I think you owe her an apology and a withdrawal of you unsubstantiated conclusion.

  9. Mimi was my dog walker for over a year and on several occasions dog sat for several days at a time. I have the utmost confidence in Mimi and her care, concern and treatment for my beloved puppy. My dog LOVED her. I've moved to several cities since DC and I have not yet found anyone that I would trust as much with my dog AND I have not found another person that I would trust with the keys to my home! I'm sorry that someone would post such a thing in a cowardly manner. Mimi was always so professional that if I had any concern (which I NEVER did) I know that I would be able to come to her and discuss in a professional and mature manner.

  10. Mimi has been walking our boxer daily for 3 years. We also board our dog multiple times a year at Mimi's. Our dog LOVES Mimi. She often returns from walks or boarding with Mimi completely spent, tongue hanging out, etc. because she has been running with "the pack". We trust Mimi completely and will continue to recommend her without reservation. In fact, the first response to this thread supplying Mimi's website was posted by my husband. SHE ROCKS.

  11. If you leave a dog with almost any good caretaker, he or she will return exhausted from all the playing and exercise. Mimi is better than a good caretaker. Mimi is absolute magic with dogs and a professional of great integrity. Chloe loves and trusts Mimi and so do we.

  12. There is clearly something rotten in Denmark with the topic being discussed here and the fact that the accuser delivered their message anonymously speaks volumes. I am not sure I could praise anyone as highly as Mimi and the services ExPETations provide but more importantly it is the care and attention my puppy receives that offers a more glowing endorsement. I would recommend her in a heartbeat and I have never questioned her professionalism or the professionalism of her staff and I know for certain that my dog is in good hands because he adores her.

    If you do indeed have personal experience with Mimi, I suggest you bring it up with her offline because she is approachable and easy to work with. However, if you are going to drop a steaming bag of $hit online about her and her business, at least have the metal to own up to it!

  13. I have an 8.5 month old lab puppy that has received midday walks from Mimi and the ExPETations team for the last five months. Nothing excites her as much as seeing Mimi come up the stairs to pick her up for her walk. Even with seemingly endless puppy energy, she always returns from her time with the "pack" completely spent and ready for a nap. Also, I echo the above poster that called Mimi a "dog whisperer"- my puppy is incredibly stubborn, but even she knows to toe the line when Mimi's around.

    Mimi frequently has several dogs staying with her at a time. Between playtime with several dogs and several intense walks/runs/bike rides/skateboarding sessions a day, it would have been more surprising if Anonymous' dog hadn't been completely exhausted at the end of its time with Mimi. Therefore I can only conclude that Anonymous either owns a competing dog walking service, or just doesn't understand dogs at all. Either way, s/he should be ashamed to post such patently false statements about a good person who values each and every dog in her care.

  14. Thanks for the help everyone! We have finally found Mimi!

  15. I realize I'm late to the game here - but Mimi's response to the anonymous comment would give me pause before hiring her - that she thinks an owner wouldn't know typical behavior for their own dog ("please don't ever write things you know nothing about") is rude and condescending. She might be a great dog walker but that is an unprofessional comment and is not a proper response to a concern. Some people - though not me, but I know many - do not feel comfortable confronting people and would rather simply cease using their service. I realize everyone's rallying around her becuase they like her skills but anonymous responses are ALLOWED on this site and shouldn't be jumped on for that reason only. It's not fair or thoughtful - if you don't like anonymous posters, suggest something different to the moderator.

  16. Allison - I read Mimi's comment "don't write things you know nothing about" toward Anonymous to be in reference to his/her accusation that Mimi drugged the dog. I don't think it's rude, condescending, or unprofessional to ask that someone not spread a nasty rumor like that about someone's business.

  17. Allison you are late in this thread. And in your tardiness and possible haste you you have misread Mimi's response to the anonymous post. Mimi's response, "...please don't ever write things you know nothing about" is not to how anonymous interpreted his/her dog's behavior. Mimi was defending herself and her profession against the slanderous attack. She had been accused of doing something illegal --doping someone's dog while under her care.
    I agree that this is a great forum to express concerns, opinions, likes/dislikes, etc., but I do not believe any public neighborhood forum should allow post that are dishonest and taking the form of slander. It is plain rude and in some sections of society illegal.
    I am curious how many people in Mimi's position would take the time to post the professional response she gave in the face of such an ad hominem attack.

  18. Just picked up my pups today after their first long weekend with Mimi! I practically had to drag them out the door; they had such a great time! They are fast asleep right now on the sofa, tongues hanging out and totally worn from a weekend of playing all day at the park with multiple dogs and Mimi and her staff!

    I am so sorry someone left a harsh message. I am sure that is pretty hard to read when you care so much about your job and all of these precious pups. At the end of the day, as you can see from the many messages above, you have a pretty loving group of people (and dogs) that adore you and are beyond grateful for your services!

    You will be seeing a lot of Lola and Bryce in the future and I am happy to recommend you to all my friends!!!!

  19. I agree with Melanie. In fact I was telling my fiance the other day that I dont think I have ever seen a business owner handle something like this so well. If you are a client of Mimi you know that from the moment the slanderous post arrived, Mimi has taken step after perfect step handling it. It has given us even more faith in her business. We could all take a lesson from how well she handled this.

  20. Hello again everyone. I was the one who initially was seeking Mimi. My dogs stayed with her for four days while I was out of town in Vegas. I came back and they were tired but very happy and calm. We are now in negotiations to have Mimi take care of them during the week while we're at work. We live on the same block as Mimi and every time my dogs see her, they just melt! They LOVE her and are so happy to see her! They do not act this way with anyone else, not even my boyfriend and I. Anyway, thanks again Mimi. You have been fantastic for us and our two doggies. We've even talked about how if we ever have to move out of the neighborhood, how we'll still want you to look after our pups. So, if you're looking for a caring person to take care of your four legged friend, I highly recommend Mimi and her business expetations. Thanks. Andrea Tehan, Unit block of S Street NW.
