
Saturday, October 23, 2010

5D Commander Greene: two adults occupying van on unit blk of Randolph NW arrested for various narcotic violations

I have copied a post to the MPD-5D list at Yahoogroups by Fifth District Commander Lamar Greene:

In reference to the below incident, the Fifth district responded during the week and arrested two adult subjects occupying the vehicle for various narcotic violations!!

I am posting this message from a resident on Randolph Place NW in Bloomingdale in PSA 501:

Residents of Randolph Place, N.W. (unit block) and surrounding streets, please take note: There has been a black Chevy Avalanche truck (newer model, 4 doors, plastic pick-up bed cover), VA tag with two black males (one bearded) sitting in it on Randolph Place, N.W., for the past 4 or more days. They are constantly in the car, and seem to be selling drugs, as people on bikes and on foot stop by their window. They may also be scoping out cars and/or houses, and noting the comings and goings of residents. The two men just sit there and appear to eat, drink, get high, and essentially live in the truck. Please keep an eye out for them, and if you see anything suspicious, report their location and activity to 911, identifying the truck and tag. They keep moving the truck every hour or so to a different portion of the block - and now that the block is being resurfaced by a road crew, they may have moved their activities to a different nearby block during the road work, so everyone look out please.

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