
Saturday, October 23, 2010

repaving of Flagler Place & the 100 block of U Street to start Monday; street sweeping suspended

From ANC 5C04 Commissioner John Salatti:

I have attached a letter that was hand delivered yesterday to all of Flagler Place; the 100 blocks of U, V, W, and Adams Streets; and the 2100 and 2200 blocks of 1st and 2nd Streets NW. However, I am sending the letter to be posted so others in the neighborhood are aware of this project and the impacts it may have. To limit the impact on parking, DC Water and I requested that DPW suspend street sweeping this coming week on all the blocks were the letter was delivered. DPW readily agreed to help out. So people should be able to park anywhere this coming Monday and Tuesday. The goal is to give residents maximum flexibility to park while the streets are being repaved.

Thanks for posting this information.

John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
(202) 986- 2592
``Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale``

October 22, 2010

Dear Neighbors:

The final phase of the Flagler-U water line replacement project gets under way next week with the affected blocks being milled and repaved. This work will start this Monday and run through Wednesday with the work day going from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Of course, this schedule is dependent on the weather; I note that the forecast is for a few showers on Monday and scattered thunderstorms on Tuesday. I have asked DC Water and its contractors, if bad weather suspends work, to notify Parking Enforcement that no work is going on that day so that residents can park without fear of tickets.

Each day only a piece of the entire project area will be worked on. The current schedule is as follows:

• Monday: the 2200 block of Flagler and the intersection of Flagler and Adams
• Tuesday: the 2000 and 2100 block of Flagler
• Wednesday: the 100 block of U Street and the intersection of Flagler and U

Of course, parking is our biggest concern. Here is what you need to know about parking.
• On the block(s) that are being worked on any one day, no parking will be available during work hours.
• You can park on the other blocks in the project area without incident.
• After work ends at 5:00, you can park, for the most part, on the block or blocks that were part of that day`s work. Each section should be milled and paved completely in one day.
• To abide by the rule requiring contractors to give residents 72 hours` notice before restricting parking, No Parking signs should appear on the all along Flagler Place and around the intersection of Adams and Flagler today letting you know that parking on that block and around the intersection will be restricted on next week.
• To ease parking problems, DC Water and I have asked DPW to suspend street sweeping operations next week on the 100 blocks of Adams, W, V, and U, and the 2100 and 2200 blocks of 1st, 2nd, and Flagler. DPW agreed. Thus, you can park on either side of all those streets Monday and Tuesday of next week without getting a ticket. If for some reason you get one, please let me know and I`ll get it waived.
• If any one needs to get their vehicle out of the way for those days next week, I have secured 10 off-street parking spaces in the neighborhood in the north part of the work area and 10 in the south part of the work area. If you`d like to have your car parked off the street on the day work is happening on your block, please let me know. Spots are available to people on a first-come, first served basis.

Hopefully, by Wednesday, all this will be over and we`ll have a few quiet months. You all have done a great job of making this project go smoothly and working with the disruptions. I applaud you. Contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Always at your service,
John Salatti,

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