
Friday, October 01, 2010

new awnings installed today at Bloomingdale Wine & Spirits

Have you noticed the newly painted exterior of Bloomingdale Wine & Spirits at 1st & Rhode Island Avenue NW? A new terra cotta color?

But that's not all.

Note that new black awnings were just installed today at our neighborhood wine & spirits store.

Courtesy of North Capitol Main Street (

What do you think?


  1. The businesses are looking so much better, but why is it the taxpayers and community responsibility to fix up businesses that will not spend their own money to fix up their own stores? The storeowners have got the message loud and clear that if they let their stores run down, someone else will pay to fix it up after a while. Windows and the corner stores know this tactic quite well.

    Yes, I like the improvements, but there should be some payback program for the neighbhorhood taxpayer. The stores take in all the profit, now how do they show their appreciation to the hard work that NCMS has done for them?

  2. I like the new look. Frankly I do not care it.

  3. Looks great! FYI, NCMS is a nonprofit, and the improvements benefit the entire community (e.g., property values, crime deterrent, etc.).

  4. I noticed and I think they look beautiful and benefit everyone around.

  5. Great looking facelift....thanks to The owners and NCMS....go bloomingdale!

  6. but there should be some payback program for the neighbhorhood taxpayer. The stores take in all the profit,

    You do realize that stores have their sales taxed, don't you? And that property owners have to pay taxes on their property?

    I do wonder why it's the responsibility of local non-profits to pay for improvements of private businesses, though. That's a very good question.

  7. For a few thousand dollars, you now have a much nicer looking corner. Compare that to the millions that get wasted on incentives for large developers that don't follow through and this is an outright bargain.

  8. and property owners nearby get increased property values.

  9. Walked by there on Sunday to go to Rustik and saw that it had already been tagged with graffiti..and this is why we can't have nice things...
    RI Ave

  10. but we do have nice things. rustik isn't lost or broken because of a little graph.
    or do you just like trite expressions?

  11. You've got to admit though, it's tremendously annoying that something got tagged so quickly after being spruced up.
