
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Mehdi Mansouri has resigned "the City has proven the depth of its corruption"-seeking McMillan Advisory Group (MAG) representation from Channing St NW

See this message from ANC 5C07 Commissioner Barrie Daneker:

As you can read below, Mr. Mansouri has resigned from the MAG Group. I am hoping that we can find a resident from Channing Street who will represent the interests of the residents of Channing St. I will be out in the community over the next few weeks talking to residents on Channing Street to find someone willing to put the time and energy into helping shape this project. I`d like to thank Mr. Mansouri for his time. If anyone from Channing Street NW is interested, please feel free to email me at or call me at 202- 986- 8781.


Barrie Daneker
Commissioner 5C07
Financial Sec. ANC 5C
202- 986- 8781

From: Mehdi Mansouri [mailto:]
Sent: Tue 10/5/2010 4:53 AM
To: `Mehdi Mansouri`
Subject: A New Direction

To the DC Community:

Once again the City has proven the depth of its corruption and its commitment to the businesses that are running our DC Government by denying my request to do a 15 minute presentation at the upcoming public meeting that the City is arranging to show people what it has decided to do with the McMillan sand filtration. And once again most MAG members have proven their continuous submissiveness to the criminals acts of the City by not asking any questions from the City, as they didn`t for the past three or four years (hence, their participation in the crimes of the City against WeThePeople).

Since none of my efforts so far produced any changes in the direction that the City and MAG are going (other than probably the City having adopted a ``new start`` for its old tricks), I am starting a new process and direction at a much broader legal and public range. As before, this legal and public process will include everyone who is involved in pushing the McMillan process forward, and will hold them responsible for their role in deceiving people and causing astronomic, unrecoverable damages and losses for WeThePeople. As I mentioned before, McMillan will be used as an example of elements in our society that cause and support corruption and closed doors in our government system, and therefore, devastation for WeThePeople. I will send out an email in the near future to officially announce the new efforts as well as a series of websites and forums that will serve as information dissemination and discussion tools on the subject of corruption and closed DC Government, as well as corrupt businesses that are pulling the strings of our so called ``government officials`` and ``politicians.``

Since I have all the information that I need to have regarding the MAG , and since I see most MAG members shamelessly continue betraying people`s trust in them, I see there is nothing else that I can do on the MAG as a representative of people. I believe now I can be more effective in my efforts in helping to clean our DC Government by not being on the MAG. As such, I am resigning from my MAG position as of now. Kenyan will be notified once the person who will replace me is identified. However, I will continue going to the MAG meetings as myself. In the meantime, I will also continue informing my neighbors on our street about MAG reports until the new person is identified.

Best Regards,


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