
Saturday, February 12, 2011

abandoned scooter found in alley between Bryant & Channing NW

See this 2/12/2011 message from a Bryant Street NW resident:

On Thursday night a stolen scooter was abandoned in the back alley between the unit block of Bryant NW and Channing NW. We are hoping that the owner or someone who knows the owner is on the list serve and will see this. It is a blue Road Scooter brand LB50QT-6 50cc scooter that was clearly hot-wired and dumped. There were no license plates on it. It was laying on its side and leaking gas. We called the police who send over a crime scene unit to finger print it and pick it up. If any readers own or know the owner of the scooter, we hope they get it back. The police have it.

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