
Saturday, February 12, 2011

March for Peace today, 2/12/2011 at North Capitol & Florida intersection

I received this brief March for Peace announcement from both Bates Area Civic Association President Geovani Bonilla and ANC 5C02 Commissioner Sylvia Pinkney yesterday.



DATE: Saturday, February 12, 2011
TIME: 3:00 pm
(Intersection of Florida Avenue and North Capitol Street, NW)

Tony Harris Job Developer/Vocational Development Specialist CSOSA

This saturday march 12th, 2011. We would like to invite all members of the neighborhood to come together as a show of solidarity. We would like to express our concern for the recent acts of senseless violence. An as residents show that we will no longer tolerate these acts in our neighborhood. We ask that you help us get the word out.
I emailed one of the promoters of this March for Peace event, lifelong Truxton Circle resident Darryl Logan, for more info.

Here is additional info: ``This march was conceived by Tony Lewis Jr. and I as concerned residents in the community. Although that we work for our respected agencies dealing with at risk youth and ex offender re-entry. This was something that as a community we should come together an do.``

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