
Saturday, April 28, 2012

ANC 1B’s vote of opposition on the conceptual design for the proposed McMillan site development; sends letter to the DC HPRB

See this message (plus the text of an attached PDF) from Pleasant Plains resident Tony Norman:

-----Forwarded Message-----

From: ``ANC 1B Office (ANC 1B)`` <1B @>
Sent: Apr 27, 2012 2:56 PM
Cc: ``mjmenjoy @`` , ``tonynorman @`` , ``anc1b09 @`` , ``Graham, Jim (COUNCIL)`` , ``Simon, Gottlieb (ANC)``

Subject: ANC 1B Protest of McMillan Park Reservoir Historic Landmark Conceptual Review

Dear Ms. Buell and Members of the Board:

At its regularly scheduled meeting on April 5, 2012 (notice of which was properly given, and at which a quorum of nine of ten members was present) Advisory Neighborhood Commission 1B voted (8 yes, 0 no, 1 abstention) to oppose the conceptual design for the proposed development of the McMillan Park Reservoir Historic Landmark.

A letter detailing our objections is attached and has been mailed to your attention.

Thank you,

Lauren McKenzie
Secretary ANC 1B
SMD 1B09

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 1B
Government of the District of Columbia
2000 14TH Street N.W., Suite 100B
Washington, DC 20009

Myla Moss, 1B01, Chairperson – Juan Lopez, 1B07, Vice Chairperson
Lauren McKenzie, 1B09, Secretary – Alexandra Lewin-Zwerdling, 1B02, Treasurer
Sedrick Muhammad, 1B03 – Deborah Thomas, 1B04– Mary Streett, 1B05 - Charles Meisch, 1B06
Tony Norman, 1B10 - E. Gail Anderson Holness 1B11

April 27, 2012
Ms. Catherine Buell
Historic Preservation Board
D.C. Historic Preservation Office
1100 4th Street, S.W. Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
Re: McMillan Park Reservoir Historic Landmark Concept Design Review

Dear Ms. Buell and Members of the Board:          

At its regularly scheduled meeting on April 5, 2012 (notice of which was properly given, and at which a quorum of nine of ten members was present) Advisory Neighborhood Commission 1B voted (8 yes, 0 no, 1 abstention) to oppose the conceptual design for the proposed development of the McMillan Park Reservoir Historic Landmark.

The bulk of the 92 acre McMillan Historic site is in Ward 1, ANC 1B. ANC 1B was a co-applicant for the landmark application for this historic site (1990). ANC 1B is directly impacted by the proposed development plans for this site.                               
The proposed concept plans for the site are inconsistent with the historic character and design of this site. They do not preserve the historic integrity of the designed landscape; historic integrity of individual resources and site resources. 
The massive scale (2 million square feet of development), size (8-10 story buildings) and density of the project is incompatible with the site`s unique history, green open-space character and high degree of present historic integrity of the McMillan Plan.

The present design plans propose to demolish 90 percent of the historically built structural resources; landscape resources including historic vistas, green open park space and site resources. The plans do not incorporate options or mitigations for adaptive reuse or rehabilitation of the historical structural and site resources which is also inconsistent with the U.S. Secretary of Interior`s standard of historic preservation. We therefore urge the Historic Preservation Review Board to reject the proposed conceptual designs for this historic site.
ANC 1B has designated Commissioner Tony Norman to present the ANC`s position at the upcoming hearings.
Myla Moss, Chairperson
Lauren McKenzie, Secretary


  1. Notice that the ANC commissioners object not to the loss of a functional outdoor space, but to the loss of "green open-space character". Apparently "green open space character" is code for a fenced-off piece of antiquated infrastructure.

  2. Isn't the portion of the site that's slated for development actually NOT within the ANC1B boundaries? I thought the land that was to be built on was in Ward 5.

  3. It is beyond me why any nearby property owner, in their right mind, would oppose such a value engine that this development would be. Being anywhere near this eyesore right now is a drain on property values, not to mention an incredible waste of space in the center of DC.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Once again Tony Norman tries to get this development stopped. Tony has put out misinformation, lies, unsupported and un-viable (from both a structural and economic perspective) development plans forward to again stop the development of McMillan. It's time to take back this project and for resident speak up for what they really want which is what is being proposed a mix use development project that will at lease give back almost 9 acres of park/green/public space that no man has enjoyed for over 100 years
