
Saturday, April 28, 2012

fireworks last night

See this request from a Seaton Place NW household:

I think I hear fireworks between 9:45 p.m.-10:00 p.m. tonight.

Please ask if anyone knows what the sound was during that time period.


  1. I believe the fireworks were for the finale of the Cherry Blossom Festival ... I heard them too, and I just googled "fireworks dc april 27, 2012" and that's what popped up :-)

  2. The fireworks were from Catholic University...yesterday was the last day of classes
    this semester, and this is the 125th anniversary of the school, so one of those two
    events. it appeared to be right next to the basilica over on the CUA campus.

  3. The Cherry Blossom Festival fireworks were April 7- they were really spectacular- not the traditional colors and designs. Don't know if they were extra special for the anniversary, but I hope they do it every year.

    Catholic U had fireworks about this time last year, and I had seen a notice about it beforehand, but missed it this year. :(
