
Sunday, June 24, 2012

DC Superiour Court ruling in Crispus Attucks Park case: "cease and desist" order issued to Lucy Fletcher, Diane Rich & Marvin Rich for one year

Recall this May 2012 Washington Post article on Crispus Attucks Park in Bloomingdale?

A feud over a D.C. park pits one man against his neighbors
By Paul Schwartzman, Published: May 21

The Crispus Attucks Development Corporation (CADC) crafted a response to this Washington Post article, posted at the Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog on May 26, 2012:

Now here is an update -- see this Saturday, June 23, 2012 tweet from ANC 5C03 Commissioner Hugh Youngblood on the Friday, June 22, 2012 DC Superior Court ruling on the Crispus Attucks Development Corporation / Marvin Rich case:

Hugh Youngblood@ANC5C03
DC Superior Court issues prelim injunction for Marvin Rich et al re Crispus Attucks Park and CADC in #BloomingdaleDC |
Here is the ruling document:
And here is the text from the ruling document link above:
The Superior Court For The District of Columbia
Civil Division

Crispus Attucks Development Corporation, et al.,


Marvin Rich, et al.,

Case No. 2012 CA 003370 B
Calendar 5
Judge Peter A. Krauthamer
Next Event: Discovery Requests Due, August 21, 2012


Pursuant to the Court`s findings of fact and conclusions of law as read on the record in open Court today, June 22, 2912, and for the reasons then stated, it is by the Court this 22nd day of June 2012,

ORDERED that Defendants Lucy Fletcher, Diane Rich, and Marvin Rich (``Defendants``) shall for the period of one year from the date of this Order:

Cease and desist from making any claims whatsoever to anyone regarding Crispus Attucks Development Corporation or the Crispus Attucks Park, and

Cease and desist from publishing in any medium including the Internet any false statements and Crispus Attucks Development Corporation or its President that place Crispus Attucks Development Corporation, its President, or any of its Members in a false light.

Peter A. Krauthamer
Associate Judge
(Signed in Chambers)

Copies eServed to:
Tyler Jay King, Esq.
Bernard C. Coleman, Esq.

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