
Monday, June 25, 2012

CADC Board of Directors responds to DC Superior Court ruling

Bloomingdale Community,

On June 22, DC Superior Court ruled in favor of Crispus Attucks Development Corporation in its case against Marvin Rich. The court issued a preliminary injunction against Mr. Rich and ordered Mr. Rich and his associates to cease and desist from making any claims whatsoever to anyone regarding Crispus Attucks Development Corporation or the Crispus Attucks Park; and to cease and desist from publishing in any medium, including the Internet, any false statements about Crispus Attucks Development Corporation or its President that place Crispus Attucks Development Corporation, its President, or any of its Members in a false light.

CADC`s case against Mr. Rich is not finished yet, but this preliminary injunction is a giant first step in putting to rest Mr. Rich`s false claims of any involvement with the park and is a positive step toward ending Mr. Rich`s harassment of the neighbors around Crispus Attucks Park. CADC will issue a more complete statement after the final resolution of the court case.

This decision, while entirely expected given the complete lack of evidence to support Mr. Rich`s claims, is fantastic news for the Bloomingdale community.

The Board would like to thank Bloomingdale for its outpouring of support for the park--this event has truly helped to unite the community.  CADC looks forward to working with all members of the community to ensure that Crispus Attucks Park will be a positive and unifying part of the community.

CADC Board of Directors

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