
Monday, June 25, 2012

Green Paws & Houndstooth Photography: Reserve your spot now for Saturday, July 14!

(Note that Houndstooth Photography`s Gracy Obuchowicz is a Bloomingdale resident!)

Hi, Bloomingdale! We`ve got another fabulous event coming up at Green Paws, and I really hope folks can make it out!

On Saturday, July 14, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., prize-winning photographer and owner of Houndstooth Photography Gracy Obuchowicz will be conducting pet portrait sessions at Green Paws. Sessions, which also can include owners, are $65 (plus $15 for additional animals) and 10 percent of all proceeds will go to City Dogs Rescue.

Which brings me to our second happening that afternoon, which is another adoption event from our friends at City Dogs Rescue! Last time these fabulous folks came to Green Paws, three dogs found forever homes. We hope to equal or better that record next time. Plus, coming over and playing with pooches is a great way to meet your neighbors!

Which brings me to our THIRD happening on July 14! Our neighbor Bacio Pizzeria is in the process of getting an ice cream freezer (yay!) and we thought this would be a great time to co-launch what we hope will be a regular weekly event: Doggy/People Ice Cream Social Sunday! This part is still in flux, so stay tuned!

And in the meantime, please email greenpawsdc@yahoo or call us at 202-986-6373 to reserve your spot with Houndstooth Photography!


Atilla & Lisa
Owners, Green Paws

1 comment:

  1. I love the sound of all of these events!! So glad to have both Green Paws and Bacio in our neighborhood!
