
Monday, June 25, 2012

Red Hen announced for untenanted 1st & Seaton NW space

Read this post by Washington Post's Tom Sietsema on the currently un-built-out and untenanted street-level space on the northwest corner of 1st & Seaton Place NW.  Note that wine maven Sebastian Zutant is a Bloomingdale resident.
Proof veterans plan to hatch The Red Hen
Posted at 10:23 AM ET, 06/25/2012
By Tom Sietsema
The opening sommelier and executive sous chef at Proof in Penn Quarter are teaming
up to launch an Italian-influenced American restaurant in Washington`s Bloomingdale neighborhood ``early in the new year,`` announced
wine maven Sebastian Zutant.

 He and chef Mike Friedman — along with Mike O`Malley of 9 Group , a casino resort in Las Vegas — will be equal partners in what the trio is calling The Red Hen, a 50-seat dining room
at the intersection of First Street and Seaton Place NW.

Conveniently for Zutant, the location is ``four doors down`` from his townhouse.
Advantageous for all involved, the establishment will be co-designed by Zutant`s
wife, Lauren Winter of Edit, the architectural firm that found fashionable looks for Chez Billy and Rogue 24 , among other District interiors.
The Red Hen is expected to take advantage of its prominent windows, and lean light rather than dark.

None of the principals owns a red hen, by the way. They just liked the ``vibe it gives off,`` explained Zutant; the name ``doesn`t sound too busy or over-the-top.``   The team is leaning Italian on the menu because that`s the style they gravitate to on their own. ``The food is easy, simple and clean,`` said Zutant.

... and Prince of Petworth catches up:


  1. Nice... glad to see an Italian restaurant setting up shop. Anyone know if they will have outdoor seating too?

  2. I want to support their ABC license now.

  3. There is certainly space for outdoor seating (and not even in public space, which is good!) -- so one might readily anticipate outdoor seating.

  4. Pity that whomever is currently and nominally responsible for "EC-12" was so completely inept in getting in front of the wave. When EC-12 was still a dream, so many new spots didn't exist: Rustik, Boundary Stone, Bohem, Shaw's Tavern... and now Bacio, the new Thai spot, and Red Hen have designs on the neighborhood. Yet EC-12 languishes. It appears incompetent, and is in any event, sad.

  5. BCC: But now that Bloomingdale has Big Bear Cafe, Rustik Tavern, Boundary Stone -- with Aroi Thai, Grassroots Gourmet and Red Hen coming -- places like the firehouse on North Capitol Street NW should be even more appealing to potential restaurant business developers. We have demonstrated that there is indeed a demand for quality sit-down restaurants in the community.

  6. The EC-12 sits half finished like a construction zone. Similar to Anna Cooper's house. Two gems in the immediate neighborhood that are in a constant state of neglect. This new sit down restaurant, Red Hen, is really quite amazing for the neighborhood and a huge indication that this neighborhood wants some good places to eat. Kudos to Big Bear, Rustik, Windows Cafe, Baccio and Boundary Stone for being trailblazers. May local business continue to thrive in the hood!!!
