
Monday, July 23, 2012

Adams Street NW House broken into & items stolen – Friday, 07/20/2012

From an Adams Street NW household:

I just wanted to let you know that on Friday [07-20-2012] around 11am, we had our house broken into (the person(s) hopped our back garage gate, broke through the kitchen window and while the alarm was going off, ran through the house going through drawers.)  They stole our laptop and a few other things.  I just wanted to let you know because it`s a neighborhood happening.  Be sure to your security alarms!   This also servers as a good reminder to anyone who might have been putting off getting renter`s insurance.

1 comment:

  1. Possibly related: our home on V ST NE was broken into around 7 am on Friday 7/20/2012. The intruders fled the scene without taking anything once they realized that someone was home. Neighbors saw the intruder getting into a brown "get-away" car
