
Monday, July 23, 2012

new participants in NCMS Storefront Improvement Program: Capitol Food Mart, Sunset Liquors & City Cleaners

See this message from North Capitol Main Street regarding the current round of participants in the Storefront Improvement Program (SIP): 
Capitol Food Mart (at 1634 North Capitol Street NW),
Sunset Liquors (at 1st & Florida Avenue NW), and
City Cleaners (at 84 Rhode Island Avenue NW)!
Capitol Food Mart
Capitol Food Mart
Capitol Food Mart --a strategic property for redevelopment potential along the North Capitol Corridor. We believe this exterior renovation will be a catalyst for redevelopment and leasing interest, while sprucing up the corridor at the same time, positioning North Capitol Street for success.
Capitol Food Mart is located between R and Quincy Place NW, along the same commercial strip as the long-awaited Fire Station development. And if we as residents can put pressure on the powers that be to push that development along . . . North Capitol will be off and running in a huge way!
Watch how the NCMS Design Team volunteers, lead by Roxanne Wallace, turns this storefront from shabby to chic over the summer months.
Sunset Liquors
Sunset Liquor

Ask anyone if they remember what Bloomingdale Wine & Spirits looked like before its make-over and they'd be hard- pressed to come up with an accurate description. We're betting the same will be the case for this diamond-in-the-rough -- Sunset Liquors. Sunset is located on the corner of Florida and First Street, NW -- where Truxton Shaw and Bloomingdale converge as one community. I can't wait for this one!
City Cleaners
City Cleaners

A long-staple in Bloomingdale, this couldn't be a more perfect time for City Cleaners to get a facelift. But revitalizing a business' exterior facade is about more than just slapping on a fresh coat of paint and calling it a day. A facelift, if done properly, can make a business stand out in a crowd, advertise unique services and improve customer flow. Let's see what the Design Committee comes up with for this one.
The germ of the idea is simple and compelling: A broken window, a littered sidewalk, a trash-strewn street, or run down business, if left untended sends a signal: that the residents don't care about the neighborhood, that
business owners aren't motivated to improve.
The neighborhoods of Truxton-Shaw, Bloomingdale and Eckington are experiencing an amazing renaissance and soon, you really won't know the place -- at least it will be hard to recognize it from its distant past. North Capitol Main Street is helping business owners who want to improve their stores and change with the times with new exterior facade improvements through its 2012 Storefront Improvement Project. Three lucky businesses, over the summer months, will emerge with brand new looks that will be inviting and contemporary.
Stay tuned to what's in store and the great new changes coming down the pike. We think you'll like what you see.
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Eligibility Criteria
  • Completed NCMS Storefront Improvement Project Application
  • Clean Hands Certificate DCRA
  • Clean Hands Certificate from Office of Tax & Revenue
  • Landlord Agreement and Approval (if applicable)
  • Updated on all corporate filings
  • Lease documents or proof of ownerhsip.
All applications must have been submitted by July 31, 2012 for acceptance into the 2012 SIP. All criteria must be fulfilled for a business to be eligible to participate in the program
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  1. fantastic idea. great work, no cap main street! is there room for another suggestions?

  2. Patsy Real-Time: Thanks for your comments! Regarding suggestions for other North Capitol Street area businesses that could possibly partiicipate in the Storefront Improvement Program (SIP) -- be sure to review the Eligibility Criteria listed above. Thanks.
