
Friday, July 27, 2012

"it's easy to call Bloomingdale home!"

Here you go:
Posted May 18th, 2012
Some of our clients are just beginning to explore their options when they first reach out to us about buying a home and some clients, like Mas Tadesse, know exactly what they want. Mas had her eye on a condominium at the intersection of 3rd Street and Rhode Island Ave NW, right in the heart of Bloomingdale. Like many first time homebuyers, Mas had been renting in the neighborhood she hoped to one day be able to live in as a homeowner. With the help of the home purchase assistance program HPAP Mas realized her dream and created an investment that will surely pay off.
Bloomingdale is a historic neighborhood noted for its close-knit community-oriented character, historic row house architecture and its proximity to downtown and Metrorail. All these factors combine to make this area one of DC`s hottest ``up and coming`` communities as well as prime location for new retail and restaurant opportunities.
Mas will continue to enjoy Bloomingdale`s pleasures like Big Bear Cafe, a popular neighborhood gathering place and the Bloomingdale Farmer`s Market each Sunday. There`s also the Rustik Tavern, a brick oven pizzeria and tavern and Boundary Stone where you can enjoy your favorite pint with neighbors. And don`t forget about Crispus Attucks Park, whose restoration has been a labor of love by Bloomingdale residents since 1977.
Mas Tadesse Says:
May 18th, 2012 at 9:17 pm
Buying my first home had it`s fair share of ups downs. Initially, I was working with a different Realtor who didn`t know a lot about the Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP)which enables first time home buyers the ability to purchase affordable housing in Washington, D.C. After we parted ways I was determined to find a Realtor who was going to work with me to make my dreams a reality.
I called dozens of Realtors in the area before I settled on Alex DeLorme mainly because her of vast knowledge of HPAP. She was knowledgeable, personable, and wanted to get me to the finish line of home ownership. After 14 months, we were successful because Alex dotted every ``i`` and crossed every ``t`` and filled out every extension form. At the end of the experience I`m not sure who was happier, Alex, or me?
I love I am able to call Bloomingdale my neighborhood and have a home. I will be forever grateful to Alex DeLorme who got me there!


  1. 3rd and Rhode Island isn't Bloomingdale, it's LeDroit Park.

  2. the "heart" of bloomingdale? good gravy, people.

    at least this is proof that bloomingdale has become such an "it" neighborhood that anything within 5 blocks will try to claim to be in it. it's like the good old days when logan circle was known by all the realtors as "dupont east."
