
Thursday, July 26, 2012

"lack of a satisfactory plan to address flooding problems in Bloomingdale & LeDroit Park"

From Bloomingdale resident Casey Torgusson:

From: Casey Torgusson
To: Emanuel D. Briggs ; George S. Hawkins ; kmcduffie @

Cc: Hugh Youngblood ; studavenport @; Janine ; John T. Salatti ; tclark @; Alan R. Heymann ; Carlton M. Ray ; Dunbar C Regis ; Tanya DeLeon ; Barry Lucas ; Lisa Barton ; Charles Kiely ; cgriffin @; David Barney ; Tamara Stevenson ; LaDawne L. White ; yalexander @; jmobley @; vincent.gray @; Marc  Morgan ; Jim Graham ; Jim Graham ; mlong @; VOrange @; cduffie @; pmendelson @; abellanca @; mbrown @; dcatania @; jhutchinson @; ``Edwards, Ronnie (ANC 5C11)`` <5C11 @>; Mark Mueller ; a  bunch of impacted neighbors

Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 3:15 PM
Subject: [LeDroitPark] Re: Bloomingdale Action Agenda

Dear Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Briggs, Councilman McDuffie, Councilman Graham, Councilwoman Alexander and Members of the City Council -

I am writing yet again to follow up on the questions and concerns outlined below related to the lack of a satisfactory plan to address the flooding problems in Bloomingdale and Ledroit Park and fairly compensate for damages done.  I would greatly appreciate a response addressing the questions and suggestions outlined.  The ``Bloomingdale Action Plan`` may be good PR but does not come close to addressing the root problems in its current form. I sincerely hope that DC Water`s plan isn`t to delay any meaningful dialogue on how to significantly improve this plan prior to the August 4th neighborhood meeting.  Delaying and obfuscating until Bloomingdale residents get tired of fighting and give up is not an acceptable strategy.  We expect you to put your energy toward serving the interests of your customers, taking responsibility for mistakes that have been made and coming up with genuine solutions that will be quickly implemented. 

I urge our elected officials to take a greater role in helping us ensure accountability in this regard - what we have seen to date on that front is also unacceptable and will not be forgotten at the ballot box if we can`t count on you to push for accountability and real solutions

Casey Torgusson

1 comment:

  1. From a LeDroit Park resident:

    I fully agree with the comments below. After analyzing what I have read and the little package they left in my mail box, I have come to the conclusion that they do not plan to do anything in term financial support. To me it has been a lot of BS. This is why Ms. Stacey Morse, the risk analyst could/would not give any example of any type of payout at the last Bloomingdale meeting.
