
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

special Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting with DC Water to address flooding problems -- Saturday, 08-04-2012

See this announcement from Bloomingdale Civic Association President Teri Janine Quinn:
The Bloomingdale Civic Association will host a public meeting with DC Water to address flooding problems in Bloomingdale. The meeting will be held on Saturday, August 4th from 2-5pm at St. George's Episcopal Church, 160 U Street, NW (at the corner of 2nd and U Streets, NW).
Teri Janine Quinn


  1. Hi Scott, I am a Bloomingdale resident who has appreciated reading about incidents in the neighborhood. My house was broken into last night and I wanted to share my experience with people. How do I do that?

  2. Latent Fox: Drop me an email at scott @ scott-roberts dot net.
