
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Young Love in Bloomingdale

With all the serious news on flooding and break ins, I thought it would be nice to have something a little lighter to read about the neighborhood. Thanks to Paul K. Williams of for his permission to re-post his recent finding of a nearly hundred year old love story from Bloomingdale.

You can see his original post here. (Note that it's easier to read the original newspaper clipping via the link to Paul's original post).

From Paul:

This headline caught my attention while I was researching a house the other day. It appeared in the March 19, 1915 edition of the Washington Post. Two youngsters from the Bloomingdale neighborhood - 162 Bryant Street, NW and 78 V Street, NW - had jumped a train to New York with the hope of an elopement. The young lovers were just age 16 and 15, respectively, and they had made their way to New York's Grand Central station where they discovered that they only had $2 between them; New York was a bit too expensive for their tastes. Their youth alone eventually caught the attention of a railroad ticket agent, and their plans to marry were foiled. I'll let you read the article at left for yourself! Copyright Paul K. Williams


  1. I agree... hope to see more positive news on the blog in the future (although it's critically important to warn people too).
