
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Vision McMillan Partnership invites you to its next community meeting – Saturday, 7/28/2012

See this message from Tania Jackson:                   
From: Vision McMillan Partners < >
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:43 PM
Subject: McMillan Community Meeting
Vision McMillan Partnership invites you to join us at our next community meeting this coming Saturday.

We plan to address the four key community concerns we hear about the most: Storm Water Management, Transportation, Preservation/Open Space and a Community Recreation Center.

We will provide our strategies for addressing these issues and take your questions and comments.

Community Meeting
Saturday, July 28th
10 am – 12 noon
St George`s Episcopal Church
160 U Street NW
You may have received a flyer that said we`d present Buildings/Architecture — we`ve postponed that agenda until the Fall. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.

As always you can contact Tania Jackson for more information: (e) ; (m) (202) 355-8998. Also check for updated plans, presentation and blog.

Thanks -- we hope to see you Saturday!

Our mailing address is:
Vision McMillan Partners
1508 U Street NW
Washington, DC 20009

1 comment:

  1. At the last ANC 5C meeting where McMillan was discussed, ANC 5C Commissioner Mary Lois Farmer-Allen suggested that the McMillan rec center should be the same size as Turkey Thicket. Note that McMillan and Turkey Thicket are within walking distance of each other. Would it be fair for Ward 5 to be have two "galaxy-class" rec centers -- that are within strolling distance of each other? Wouldn't councilmembers for other wards and the at-large councilmembers balk at that idea? What do you think?
