
Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Urban Turf: Bloomingdale needs a small grocery store

Did you see this post at Urban Turf?  I didn't, either.  Here you go.

What Bloomingdale Needs Is…
August 6, 2012

Big Bear Cafe exterior (pic from the Urban Turf post)

Last week, in the second of a series of polls about what new types of establishments DC residents would like to see come to their area, UrbanTurf asked readers what sort of place should open up in Bloomingdale.
The results? The clear winner was a small grocery store, followed by the other food-related options that we offered as options.
Bloomingdale is in a bit of a food desert. Right now, residents can stock up at the farmer’s market, visit FieldtoCity — which has limited hours — or drive down to Safeway in Mount Vernon Square or Harris Teeter in NoMa.
Union Market, which is about a mile away from the heart of the neighborhood, will eventually bring the larger vicinity a few more options, including a cheeserie, a bakery, and a meat shop, as well as tasty prepared foods like Korean tacos and empanadas.


  1. I didn't see the poll in time to vote, but I'd vote for a fully equipped neighborhood gym.

    Or a proper counter bakery ala Bagels & Baguettes on 2nd & Mass NE.

    I know we're getting the sweets bakery soon, but that's not quite what I'm looking for.

  2. I don't care what we get as long as it is WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. I am sick of DCRA approving new stores, bars etc. that have STEPS to get into them. This is discrimination against people who use wheelchairs or otherwise for whom steps are a big problem. Not everyone in Bloomingdale is a jogging-biking twenty something!
