
Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Ward 1 CM Graham: "allow DC Water a little more time to develop its strategy/action steps" regarding flooding

More from Ward 1 Councilmember Jim Graham regarding flooding in LeDroit Park & Bloomingdale:

From: Jim Graham
To: A long list of people
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2012 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: [LeDroitPark] Re: Bloomingdale Action Agenda

I agree and as I shared my approach is to allow DC Water a little more time to develop their strategy/action steps and come before the residents of LeDroit Park in September both with hard information on the causes and concrete steps moving forward.  I will be happy to get back to you as we move to a date.  We all deserve answers and—rest assured-- I will stay with you.

Bests, Jim Graham

From: Jared E. Moffett  
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:42 PM
To: Jim Graham
Cc: A long list of people
Subject: Re: [LeDroitPark] Re: Bloomingdale Action Agenda

Whenever DC Water and the City are able to finally pull something together that is not insulting to the residents of Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park please let us know.

As an affected and concerned resident of LeDroit Park, I am shocked by how this whole situation is being handled and the general direction of solutions.

After contacting and attempting to work with DC Water, The Mayor`s Office, Insurance Companies, and the Media including the Washington is becoming clear that perhaps  all citizens in Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park will have to resort to a collaborative legal action  effort against the city. - If it takes another consent decree, then so be it.

One thing is for sure, we are not going to give up or forget.

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Thank you, Myla. I am following this issue closely and with concern.  I know CM McDuffie is as well. I know of the meeting that was held Saturday in Bloomingdale on this topic with DC Water General Manager George Hawkins presenting.  I am also aware of the action plan referred to in this email.

In all that I have read it is still not clear the very specific root cause or causes to this recurring problem.  The cleaning of storm drains, installation of devices, handing out sand bags is appreciated but does not provide the level of security fixing this.  I want answers for the residents of LeDroit Park and I want them to be significant.  I have asked GM. Hawkins for a detailed report to move forward and that we prepare for a meeting in September. 

Bests, Jim Graham

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