
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DC Water: engineering analysis of rainfall events from 1948 to present

From DC Water’s Alan Heymann:
Our engineering analysis of rainfall events from 1948 to the present is now on our website in PDF.
It bears out the theory that the rainfall events of the summer were unprecedented, but something we need to keep preparing for in the future.


  1. This actually shows that 3 of the 4 rainfalls resulting in flooding were not extraordinary events at a. 2 are so low they don't even meet the threshold to have been charted in previous years - they are only added to the 2012 timelinto falsely imply they were more frequent this year. Only one storm in September fell within the 10- <25 year rain event and was still significantly less than the 2006 storm. Really sick of them treating us like idiots and assuming we're to dumb to see through their lies.

    1. Agreed. It looks like they added 3 of the 4 events from 2012 onto the six hour chart and 2 of the 4 events from 2012 onto the 2 hour chart, but omitted all the similar events from prior years. If one is going to chart down to 1.1" (2 hr.) and 1.25" (6 hr.) for this year, you have to do it for all prior years. Otherwise there is nothing to compare.

      This is just another CYA attempt--and a poor one at that.

    2. Really? Hurricane Irene in 2011 wasn't even a 2-hour rain storm?
