
Friday, September 07, 2012

neighbor still displeased with DC Water

This Bloomingdale resident's earlier blog post is here.
Once again I have been driven to a point of serious frustration with DCWATER. Last night I spoke with Greg at the emergency line and he said he would make my house the first house for dispatch when the crews left at 8:00am because I still have standing sewer water in my basement unit bathtub. By 9:30am no one had come by and I needed to leave my house by 9:45 in order to make it to a work meeting that I couldn't miss. My tenant was available to wait until 11am. I called the emergency line and was told that the crew had just been dispatched and that they were on the way to my house. 9:55 still no crew, so I leave my house and call again and as I am on hold trying to find out why no one has been by my house yet, Jason Pollard (sp?) from DCWATER called on my other line. I told him I was holding trying to find out why no one was at my house yet and would he mind being put on hold so I could click over. He said no he wouldn't mind. I click over and the guy comes on and says he has to call the crew and find out where they are, so I click back over to Jason and express my frustration that I have been waiting at my house since 8am and was told that a crew was en route and they still hadn't shown up and he tells me that HE HAS THE CREW ON HOLD AWAITING CONFIRMATION THAT I AM HOME. WHAT!?!?!?!?!? He has them on hold, but didn't bother to CALL ME to SEE if I was home because he got called into a meeting........................
I could have been home to meet the crew if he had asked someone ELSE to call me or just taken ONE minute to call me before heading into the meeting. I honestly don't even know what to say at this point. Jason said that no one from night dispatch told him that they had spoken with me and that I was expecting a crew to come first thing in the morning. At this point I lost it and screamed at Jason. I am not sure anyone there gets the SEVERITY of the situation. I DEPEND on my rental income to LIVE. I HAVE TO HAVE that money in order to make ends meet. I have not been able to collect September rent and have had my tenant in a hotel since Sunday night, so I am OUT money AND have no money coming in to replace it. EVERY SINGLE DAY that was lost because of the incompetence of DCWATER cost me money. I would also like to point out what your employees are telling people. When I spoke with Greg who was manning the emergency line, he told me that the main line had been snaked and that no obstructions were found and that when that happens it is the recommendation of DCWATER that the homeowner call a plumber because the problem is on the homeowner's side........this is the SECOND time that someone from DCWATER has told me this. That response to someone living in Bloomingdale, Ledroit Park, Shaw etc. is UNACCEPTABLE. WE ALL KNOW THAT IT'S NOT THE HOMEOWNER'S PROBLEM!!! I had a GEYSER of water coming UP from my main drain outside of the basement unit....that water was KNEE DEEP and flooded the unit even with sandbags. There has been sewer water sitting in the bathtub since SUNDAY. It has been documented that close to 200 people (and probably some more that haven't taken the survey or called DCWATER) are ALL HAVING THE SAME be told that it is the Homeowner's problem is just downright wrong and you need to speak to your employees about it. And if you are wondering WHY you don't have a lot of people reporting problems, then MAYBE that has something to do with it.....why would they call when clearly no one there CARES. I asked Jason to have whomever it was coming to my house to CALL me when they arrived so that I could discuss the issues I have had with them and no one called (my tenant was home to meet the crew). I have no idea what transpired or what the follow up will be. What will it take for you all to get it together??????? I am at my wits end and don't know what to do. I am losing money by the day and have to scrape together money to renovate the unit so that it is livable one is talking about a compensation fund to help with the financial burden of an issue that is NOT of my making. Do you even care that people may find themselves in financial straights over this flooding???
I would like to speak with whomever it was that visited my property today.

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