
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

request to sign petition calling for the removal of DC Water General Manager George Hawkins

See this message that just came out:
From: Brice McCracken
Date: Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 5:13 PM
Friends and Neighbors in Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park-
It has been two months since the first of 4 floods hit our neighborhoods. To date, DC Water and its General Manager George Hawkins have not provided us any real information about the cause of the flooding and more importantly, they have not provided us with any solutions. Last week in an email, I asked Mayor Gray, Councilmember McDuffie and Councilmember Graham to call for Mr. Hawkins resignation from DC Water. To date, none of them have done so.
At this time, I'm asking you to join me in by signing my online petition to the Mayor, DC Council and the Board of DC Water calling for Mr. Hawkins removal. How many more floods must we endure before our elected officials and the folks at DC Water take this issue seriously?
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here.
Thanks for taking the time to read and sign my petition. Hopefully we will be able to get enough signatures to show our elected officials that we as a community have had enough!
Brice McCracken


  1. To get more prompt action and the attention of DC WATER, I encourage you to sign this petition. Two months after the first floodings, the first-phase proposals for sidewalk pavers and flower boxes along the 100 block of Rhode Island Ave. are not even adequate to the magnitude of the situation we are facing. Please sign the petition to express your dissatisfaction with DC WATER!

  2. DC Water/WASA is denying flood to your neighbors and sign the petition!

  3. really? they are silent AND denying claims? We havent filed any claims yet but this is disheartening.

  4. I apologize if I'm asking the obvious, but has anyone tweeted this and tagged DC Water, DCRA, CM McDuffie, CM Michael Brown, CM Cheh, etc. The obvious public shaming of the twitterverse has brought about some prompt responses. They may not be complete answers, but organizations which could previously hide behind the anonymity of bureaucracy, have been forced into at least responding.
