
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

join Youngblood Capital Group and the DC Arts and Education Collaborative at our member lunch


From: DC Advocates for the Arts
Date: Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 1:43 PM
Subject: Louise Kennelly and Hugh Youngblood at Arts Advocates lunch tomorrow
To: Hugh
Join Youngblood Capital Group and the DC Arts and Education Collaborative at our member lunch, Thursday, 10/4/2012.

Dear Hugh, This past year arts funding was increased from under $4 million, to over $11 million. That led to an increase in granting funds from $3 million, to $9 million. Come be part of the community that is working to make sure we increase that funding for next year. Make the time to meet other arts advocates, and empower yourself with information. Our monthly member lunch is tomorrow, Thursday October 4. This is a great chance to meet and network with other arts advocates from noon to 1:15 pm in the board room at 1112 16th St. NW, Suite 600. Bring your own sandwich and beverage, or just come and hang out. You don`t have to be a member to attend, and there is no fee.  Tomorrow we`ll feature discussion on Arts Education with Louise Kennelly of the DC Arts and Education Collaborative, and Hugh Youngblood, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Ward 5C will also be there to talk about his work as an ANC representative, and his company, Youngblood Capital Group. If you can`t make tomorrow`s session, put the November date in your calendar now: Thursday November 1. Same time, same place.  Don`t forget to like the Advocates on Facebook to connect with other advocates online, and catch the latest news in city government and arts policy. Hope to see you tomorrow at lunchtime! Robert Bettmann DC Advocates for the Arts

Our mailing address is:
DC Advocates for the Arts
1366 Sheridan St. NW
Washington, DC20011

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