
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Teri Janine Quinn: recent break-ins on T Street NW

From Bloomingdale Civic Association President Teri Janine Quinn:


Please share my response to a neighbor regarding the two break-ins (and an attempted break-in) on T Street, NW. Recently our ANCs shared some helpful advice on bringing in our super cans in a timely fashion and not allowing bulk trash to pile up in alleys so hopefully Commander Solberg`s tips will be a helpful addition to that advice:
One thing we need to do neighborhood-wide is make sure our house numbers are visibly painted on our trash cans.  When I spoke with Commander Solberg about the recent spike in property crimes, he highlighted two tips for catching criminals:
1) make sure your trash can is well marked, and
2) call anytime you sense something isn`t right.
He said criminals often use the trash cans to cart off stolen goods. If the cans are well marked (and we get the word out to neighbors) it will be easier for onlookers to recognize that someone is walking/running away with a trash can that is far away from the home it belongs to - hopefully, that will prompt them to call the police and to get a description of the person. This information will not stop someone from breaking into your house, but if we are successful in catching enough of the perpetrators perhaps word will spread that crime doesn`t pay in Bloomingdale. So it might be a good idea to ask neighbors who share your alley to make sure their cans are well marked.
Teri Janine Quinn
President, Bloomingdale Civic Association

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