
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DC Greenworks in Bloomingdale

From: Peter Ensign mailto: 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 12:47 PM

Subject: DC Greenworks: What We've Been Up To

What We've Been Up To!                                   Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter
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We recently completed  a 1,700 square foot green roof at The Catholic University of America.  Located on Aquinus Hall, this modular green roof is the third on campus.  The Aquinus roof includes solar panels installed on two-thirds of surface.  The vegetated roof will reduce over 22,000 gallons of stormwater runoff each year from polluting our sewers and waterways. Take a peak at our current posting  

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy and other recent heavy rainfall events, DC Greenworks has been selected byDC Water and DDOE to install rain barrels and cisterns in two Washington neighborhoods that have been repeatedly threatened by stormwater backups.

As part of the Mayor's plans to mitigate sewage overflows and flooding in the Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park communities, DC Greenworks began installation earlier this month.  

Join us on December 5, 2012 for the Green Walls 101: Introduction to Systems and Design course Presented by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities.  Dr. Brad Bass, from the University of Toronto, teaches design and construction best practices for green facades and living walls, as well as the latest research, findings, and benefits.  For more information and to register clickhere.   

DC Greenworks extends a sincere thank you for the support  We wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving! 

Please consider a donation to help us continue our work promoting green infrastructure technologies that clean our waterways, improve our well being, and unlock local economic opportunities.  
PayPal button 

Peter Ensign
dc greenworks

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