
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Ward 5's fast-growing southwestern precincts" -- that would include Bloomingdale

Washington Post's Mike DeBonis evaluates how DC voting patterns have changed over the past four years.

D.C.’s new geopolitics

Here is a comment from Mike's article about some changes in Ward 5.
The traditional vote-rich wards — 3, 4, 5 and 7 — have simply not kept up. Wards 3 and 7 both grew about 6 percent, outpacing their registration growth but not by much.  Ward 5 saw 10 percent growth in both registration and presidential voting, driven in no small part by the ward’s fast-growing southwestern precincts. 
The fast-growing Ward 5 southwestern precincts would include Bates/Truxton/Hanover, Eckington ... and Bloomingdale.

No surprise to us!

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