
Friday, November 02, 2012

don't forget! DDOT invites Bloomingdale to surface water management project meeting and walkthrough -- Saturday, 11-03-2012

See this message from Chancee Lundy.  
From: Chancee Lundy
To: Chancee Lundy
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 11:27 AM
DDOT Invites the Bloomingdale Community to Project Meeting and Walk Through

Greetings Bloomingdale Community,
I hope that you are all safe from Sandy and recovering well. It has been great speaking with all of you over the last few weeks. As most of you know on November 3, DDOT will be hosting a community meeting and walk through of the planned infrastructure improvements for the Bloomingdale neighborhood. These improvements will help alleviate flooding on the roadway during storm events. The meeting will take place at Mount Bethel Baptist Church (corner of 1st St. NW and Rhode Island Ave. NW) at 10:00 am. Immediately following the meeting, DDOT will lead the community on a walk through to show the exact locations where construction will be taking place and the types of solutions that will be implemented.

Although we passed out nearly 400 flyers in the affected corridor this past Saturday we would appreciate your help in spreading the word to your neighbors and community listservs. The flyer is attached to this message.  
We look forward to seeing you on November 3rd.
All the best,
Chancee` Lundy
Public Outreach Coordinator
Bloomingdale Surface Water Management Project

Bloomingdale_DDOT_Surface Water Mgmt Project Meeting 2012 11 03

1 comment:

  1. If you didn't make it to the meeting this morning, you can find some of the information on the Task Force site.

    Chauncee asked that any questions be directed to her first.

    Betsy McDaniel
