
Friday, November 02, 2012

"Halloween on Thomas 2012": a big THANK YOU from Eva Hambach!

See this message from Thomas Street NW resident Eva Hambach:

Halloween on Thomas 2012---THANK YOU!!!
November  1st, 2012:
Thank you EVERYBODY for making this Halloween on Thomas event a success !!!
Thank you to ALL my neighbors !!! Thank you for your support and thank you for your donations,  and thank you for your help before, during and after the event.
Thank you Brenda, Jane, Emily, Chestivia, Tekle, Stephani & Darren, Ken & Kathy, Chris, Dawn, Faye, Jamie, Ms. Grant, Russel & Erica, John and EVERYBODY for your support.
Thank you Marshall for ALL your help.
Thank you John for handling all the permits , thank you Pastor Livingston for granting our performers and neighbors access to the Mt. Bethel parking lot, thank you Windows,  Big Bear, Green Paws and Timor Bodega for letting us advertise, thank you Scott for posting   on the Listserv.
Thank you Zakia for recommending the face painter, thank you Agatha for suggesting the aerialist, thank you Ray for recommending Sean.
Thank you Kelly-Ann for helping post, string & sweep, thank you  Michael for collecting donations and helping us clean -our- street.
Thank you Mitch for your amazing magic tricks, thank you Scott and Greg  for popping corn all night, thank you Chris and John for blowing up hundreds of balloons, thank you Mike for the GREAT music, thank you Sean for a WONDERFUL team of performers.
Thank you all parents for your wonderful kids.
Thank you for just living on this street or one of the streets over ! :-)
Truly, this whole neighborhood came together for one night and that`s a BEAUTIFUL thing.

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